An ad in yesterday's "Sport" ( yeah, I know! ) offered a DVD or video of Stacey "in action with 10 different guys" etc etc. Has anybody seen the DVD or video? AFAIK Stacey only did 3 h/c scenes at the most ( the conservatory, the plumber and the Color Climax short that no-one's ever seen )
I don't want to risk ?20 on a pig in a poke.
( BTW it's a mail order ad - I thought R18 had to be sold over the counter in person, so will it be an 18 cert softcore thing anyway? )
If I bought The Sunday Sport today and they said it was Sunday,
I would not believe them.I once bought a Stacey Vid from a Sport ad.(years ago)and was astounded to recieve a video of some really
ugly slappers dancing about,intercut with a very short scene from
one of Staceys soft-core videos.P.S The advert was very similar to the one you mentioned Hugh.Take my not go there..