Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by glamourchicks »

Oh my god babe,thank god ur ok that's all the matters !! I replyed to ur e-mail & hope to hear from u soon.Gary x

one eyed jack
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by one eyed jack »

I've been hearing incidents like this with alarming frequency. it is really worrying.

I wonder how many things like this we dont get to hear about and as Kandy says, this has a knock on effect to the rest of the industry. Who is a girl to trust after an incident like this?

phil solo
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by phil solo »

one eyed jack wrote:

> I've been hearing incidents like this with alarming frequency.
> it is really worrying.

Is it any wonder though, when naive girls seem more than willing to perform the most intimate of acts "on film" with a complete stranger without taking the barest minimum of steps to check their bona fides?

Whilst I'm sorry the young lady got taken advantage of, and glad that the outcome was not altogether much more serious, she appears to have been extremely stupid in not independently verifiying this chancer's identity with the supposed 'big name' company, accepting a promise of payment after the event from a complete stranger, nor even apparently asking to see the 'hidden cameras' in situ before activities commenced.

I've Googled Paige and she does not appear to be a complete newbie fresh off the bus, so there really is no excuse for such sloppyness. Whilst supposed professionals continue to be so dazzled by the prospect of easy cash as to not take simple, obvious steps to protect themselves, such rip-offs, scams and exploitation will thrive.
Daz Savage
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by Daz Savage »

As much as I sympathize sincerely with you, not only for your out-of-pocket expenses and lack of earnings but (probably most of all) the fact that you have been taken advantage of in the most intimate way.
But I cannot believe how anyone with any experience in this biz would fall for this. Just because the shoot is a fantasy (peeping-tom) fantasy does not mean that the performers will be subjected to the same effect. What I mean is that I have shot 'keyhole' material - in an ordinary setting through a keyhole shaped hole in a piece of card. I didn't actually leave the room or hide in a cupboard!
I have seen many shoots done through venetian-blinds, I wonder how many models (or inexperienced 'toggers) who actually think that to get this effect we actually go outside and shoot though the window?
For god's sake! A real shoot with a 'big' company, with staff ect would have been alive with activity... the only person 'fooled' into the fantasy would have been the eventual viewer.

I'm not moaning and complaining here I'm issuing a serious warning for models to keep their bloody heads screwed on at all times! Paige was lucky not have been murdered. Is it really that easy to fool models?
Never mind all this stuff about checking him out on other forums - if a shoot does not involve obvious equipment, lights and people shooting the footage/stills then ask to go to the toilet and run like hell!

"meet the male model outside kings cross station" ???
I can't believe it!

Don't get me wrong, this guy is the one at fault here and needs leaving in a quarry somewhere... but people like that will always be with us unless we stop thinking with our wallets for long enough to ask the right questions.

You have my sincere sympathies Paige but my advice is to get your lottery numbers on a quick as possible because from the sounds of this story you are a very, very lucky girl indeed!
Because what you call a fake shoot was in fact a calculated and obviously well planned rape.

(try finding out who owns the building and from there find out who rented the room - and call the bloody police NOW!)

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by nikonman »

Sorry to read that you got ripped off by this said guy and glad that nothing worse happened to you.
I wondered if the guy has used this ploy before and no one has reported it.
If so you have done a good thing to report it on here.

If might be a good thing to read "Ugly Daz's" post and if possible try and find out who rented the flat on the day if you can remember the location.
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by CandiceParis »


Indeed this is a dreadful thing. One good thing is that only your pride was hurt!!

Talent (male & female) should really only work with Producers that have a track record & can provide a reference from a Model &/or a fellow producer.

This is a hard line to take and makes getting into the industry harder for new producers but its the safe option.

There are too many people pretending to be .... Models - Producers etc when really they are Escorts or Men wanting a Escort!!

I am not saying for one min that you are a Escort hun by the way.



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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by paigefox22 »

it was protected so thats ok.
i didn't check references because he gave methe website address etc of this huge site so i just assumed it was real.
i feel like an idiot but need other people to beware.
xx Paige xx
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by Snappy »

Wise words.

As a photographer, even though I only shoot girls solo and mostly at lower levels, I expect and welcome that models check out my bona fides.

There has to be an element of trust between the performers and the filmmaker, but that shouldn't override one's self-preservation instincts - on either side of the camera.

Paige, I'm very glad that you got out of this safely and wish you every success in the future.


...the snap-happy chappy
Daz Savage
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Re: Warning Girls FAKE SHOOT

Post by Daz Savage »

Can I just ask...
This BIG website that was mentioned:
Do the letters P.R. mean anything?
I know of someone who has approached a girl I know who used this site as a reference and said (ludicrously) that it was his.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)