girl from 'Me & My Girl'

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by steve56 »

Ace wrote:
> On the subject of actresses who thought the grass was greener
> screwing on film, heres one for ya.....Remember Grange Hill,
> there was a fat lad called Pogo Patterson. He ended up in
> real life with snotty Claire from the programme. She did page
> 3 and appeared nude in some 'tame' top shelf magazine. Did
> SHE end up showing her bacon strip or stronger stuff? Over to
> you, lads,ace do you mean paula ann bland?

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by Olden »

Yep! Got it in one joe king. How many people looked in the paper at the weekend to see the girl who plays Kat in Eastenders topless?

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by steve56 »

ifancy jesse wallace can you put it on site?

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by marcusallen »

I think you are all barmy

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by alec »

It can give an extra frisson, yes, but not necessarily 'actresses'.

I remember the first time I saw a Ginger Lynn hard core video, after watching censored versions, the fact that I'd seen her in Electric Blue type stuff previously added an extra something. It can add to the eroticism in default of that coming from a good script and good direction.

I think this is a slightly different thing to the old has ... done hard core obsession.

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by Goater »

I only named a few! Yes, Marina Lotar was one. She can be found i think at any of the big Italian celeb sites which sometimes ahve links from a person at Freeones for example. thanks mate for Viv Rau, don't know her and so will seek.

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by Goater »

If it's not your preference then what the fuck do you care? Does it make you get a bigger hardon knowing the reason why? Why not move past the thread if you have no interest rather than having a pop at anyone else. It would be a dull fucking world if we all liked nowt but the same thing.

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by Goater »

Alec, you hit the nail on the head. That is EXACTLY it in my case at least. There are may different cases which makes it more interesting like was it before they were anybody or after they were famous and to what extent where they famous. Brandy Ledford was another btw. Don't know about anybody else but the Pam Anderson thing is not the same and it's just like reality tv gone mad rather than a willing actress posing or in hardcore. Fascinating subject if you dig deep enough kind of like British girls in Hardcore or Sylvia Saint clothed. Each to there own at the end of the day

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by alec »

A google search for Vivi Rau turns up one small pic. She plays the starring role in Danish Escort Girls (Hopla p? sengekanten) of which I have a soft version with a fleeting glimpse of penetration - I suspect there might be a hard version. You can get the soft version from Cine Bizarre (Atomic Cinema) - it's listed in the Classic Euro XXX section. She also appeared in a couple of the other Ole Soltoft sex comedies in more minor roles. The hard versions (French releases) are available from Xploited and one is on a Blue One DVD - Les Le?ons de Carolla. Not absolutely certain she did h/c in them, but it's likely.
Wink Wink

Re: girl from 'Me & My Girl'

Post by Wink Wink »

I think you will find that when some famous actress disrobes for a film or is 'snapped' semi naked by a swimmimg pool or in the sea there is some interest.

Maybe 95% of males will think "Hell aint she got a nice pair!" the other 5% pretending they don't give a toss (but have a seeky look anyway). 60% for women will think that they got a better pair than the said actress, the other 40% will moan that the said actressess pair ARE better than their own.

Most of the interest is strirred by the tabloid newspapers & their lust for titalation.

You only got to look at the Daily Sport each day to see a headline of "Famous Actress in Porno Shock" or the News of The World on a Sunday for "Soap Star Bears All By Pool" Cos they know it sells papers.

It's the same as a famous actress appearing nude in a puts bums on seats!

And why are there web site dedicated to celebs caught naked?

It's all the same thing!

As for porno films...well it might be that somebody who you once thought as squeeky clean appearing in a porno film you just like to see them being naughty....& thinking 'ohhhhhh I remember her from....'