This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

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This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Storm »

Just thought i'd let you know that in this months Scarlet mag, pages 42-43 an article on the ben dover porn disco, several girls and guys get a mention, including moi! !happy! and a pic of me snogging the very cute Sarah Berry (journalist). Shameless plug, but hey, everyone does it, !wink!

Krystal Niles
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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Krystal Niles »

good stuff!! but whats scarlet magazine ? xx

Experienced Glamour Model and Adult Performer. I am able to provide excellent refs from togs and producers. Currently running Adult Webshow Chatgirltvx
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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Storm »

look in WHsmith hunni, it is basically a womans sex magazine. naughty stories, sex toy reviews, it's really good.

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This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Alexandra »

Yay! I'm in there to! I'll be posting an update about it on my blog today!

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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by RDHMedia »

Great pics hun! Even better shameless plug! ;oP
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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by RDHMedia »

Great pics on your website I meant lol, silly me!
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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party artic

Post by bigAl »

Hi Storm - any chance you could do me a favour and scan the pages and email them to me, as WHS don't seem to stock it up here!

Got to say that your site looks great - there's something very refreshing about it.

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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Rico »
PS: Your site looks great, Storm!
Posts: 624
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Re: This months Scarlet magazine, porn party article

Post by Storm »

Ty hunni, x. still waiting to work with you, x
