
The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Apology.

Post by Arsewithclass »

Whether its public or not, Im glad of guys like Marino, Yourself Terry & many other decent hardworking and trustworthy guys that are in this business.
Its a bitch of a business at the best of times. Nice to hear the truth felt in Tonys words.
Hoping all you guys here are doing well!

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one eyed jack
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Re: Apology.

Post by one eyed jack »

I gotta say Jo that really warmed my heart reading that. I've come to beleive that this place was becoming a stark, grim and cold place but reading what you have said gave me some comfort.

Thank you very much !happy!

The Jigster
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Re: Apology.

Post by The Jigster »

Takes an honest, genuine & thoughtful guy to stand up and be counted.

Hope you get it all sorted with Marino.



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Re: Apology.

Post by Marino »

Depends what the full circumstances are really, not such a mistake but quite a couple of disgusting stabs in the back especially encouraging my girl to work with someone who likes things that are illegal and disgust me. no more said on this from me cos Ive just about had enough of being fucked over

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Re: Apology.

Post by Conchita »

Tony is a great guy and very brave for doing it in public, I would like to remember that we all make mistakes sometimes and we all have the right to be forgiven.

you have all my support.

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Re: Apology.

Post by cyprus »

I would like to add to this posting. Firstly, a very stupid decision made by myself to go behind Marino's back and not tell him about filming with Joanna and her partner Simon when i knew he didn't want me to, although at the time i didn't know the full story of why, and i wished i did at the time because i would never have gotten involved in the first place. The reasons i did do the film were because i felt pressured not to let Joanna down to such an extent that i asked my friend Tony's advice on the subject and was again pushed towards making the wrong decission by being told to not tell my boyfriend what i was doing because i should do the film as i'd be letting Joanna down, and it is better to keep things quiet sometimes and not tell him everything i do? Very bad advice and a very bad decision made by myself to listen, and very unfairly asked to shoot the film in the first place when Joanna knew the complications it would cause my relationship, which i am extremely lucky to still have, and the difficult sittuation a so called friend was willing to put me in. Because of these matters and others which are better left unsaid in public, i have chosen to withdraw my members site from Brazen Devil run by Joanna. I have learn't an extremely valuable lesson here - to recognise your true friends, and to stick by those closest to you no matter what the circumstances are, not to be manipulated, or pressured, or persuaded to do something to help someone else when the outcome will only damage the most important people in my life - Marino. Tony, i am sorry that i asked your advice, and i am even more sorry that i listened to the wrong advice you gave me. On a whole these were my actions, and my wrong doings which i deeply regrete and am very stupid for, but have also resulted in peoples true colours being shown. Marino i will stand by you 100% for as long as you want me to, and as you know, i am truely sorry for this whole situation and never want to loose you again. You are one of the most important people in my life and i wish i listened to you first of. This WONT happen ever again.

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Re: Apology.

Post by NeilUK »

At first I thought it was a brave move making the apology in public, though I did hope he made it personally aswell.

Now though I feel this is being taken too far and we are talking about people's personal lives here.

I don't know any of you personally, though I will always remember an email marino sent me when I decided to delete celebritiesrus.com . The fact that a legend like he is would take the time to send such a nice email to someone like me, who is really just on the edge of the industry, amazed me and meant alot.

He's a nice guy, and I am sure everyone involved in this situation didn't mean any harm but I really think all involved need to sit down together and talk it out. Or not , if the time isn't right for it

But whatever happens I think should be done privately , because the danger here is people could start to try and "score points" by "being brave" and going public! Tabloid papers make money with that type of excuse!!

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Re: Apology.

Post by Samara »

I think its best from this point to let those concerned to discuss and resolve this amongst themselves and try to be fair and supportive to everyone ...

unfortunately obviously amongst friends, something at some point went wrong and hopefully can be resolved, but as we dont know the full situation or in's and out, its something we are best not to judge or comment on.

I know both tony and the lovely joanna, and have heard wonderful things bout the other people concerned. For this reason, I hope this situation can be resolved and we will be hearing happier posts in the future.

samara x

samara sands
