Political Porn Party

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Officer Dibble

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yes, of course I understand the Tesco's principle of pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap. But porn videos are not baked beans and the market for them in the UK is comparatively small and now saturated. You cannot pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap as you would only sell the same amount as you are doing now. Consequently, as sales are not to great even now, if you halved your profits and your costs remained the same you would find your self in deep financial dodo.

Hey, if that was the way to glory and riches don't you think that a shrewd operator like the Officer would be doing it? Others who have taken the "pile 'em high" route have crashed and burnt and are effectively no longer in that business. This was due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the market and the punter. You could get away with anything 15 years ago, but now every one who has an inclination to see 'a porno' have seen one. So, that's them sorted, now they can take it or leave it and most of 'em are leaving it. What's left are a comparatively few regular customers who know what they really want to see, which is not what they are being given at the moment.

Officer Dibble - he knows about these things.
Carol Vorderman

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by Carol Vorderman »

Had you perused the above more thoroughly you would have been aware that my comments were predicated on a relaxation of the restrictions currently in force, after a landslide victory by the PPP.......
well no: 38% was good enough to get Dictator Blur in.......

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by John »

So how does one "join" your party... and will the annual conferences be along the lines of "sex, booze and rock and roll"?

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by marcusallen »

John, All will be revealed shortly when the site is up and running, and yes, the sex...etc. is our slogan
Officer Dibble

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by Officer Dibble »

Restrictions or no restrictions it won't make a ha'peneth of difference. I'll say it for the third time in this thread (Jeez, is my text coming out Greek in other folks browsers?) all those who have any inclination to purchase a shag video have done so. They've satisfied their curiosity, bought a T-shirt and now gone home. I doubt whether we'll see them again as they are now preoccupied with living in general. All that remains are a comparatively few 'hardcore' enthusiasts.

"Restrictions?" Any so-called restrictions are illusory - in place simply to placate the Daily Mail and a few nutty 'wimmin's' groups. With the minimum of twiddles with your satellite receiver, a few clicks of your computer mouse and discrete orders sent to on and offshore adult entertainment specialists you can get almost anything you desire in mainstream adult entertainment - now.

Officer Dibble.

Re: Political Porn Party

Post by jj »

That all seems to make scary sense.
Having had another thunk, you've convinced me......for now.