Expect a bit of Pommie Bashing....!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: o/t Re: Expect to be deleted

Post by JP »

Makes me glad to be scottish, at least we know we're shit at football and cricket and don't pretend to be anything else.


Re: o/t Re: delete me delete me

Post by buttsie »

You're now in the running for

Sexist Pig of The Year..you don't want to know what the winner receives

All that malarkey aside....friendlies are for one thing and one thing alone...trying new combinations...the result is immaterial

You learn more from a loss than a win

What did they learn...

Gary Neville...marking Tony Popovic in the box...wrong
Michael Owen is still out of form..3 or 4 good chances
James Beattie isn't quite good enought...yet
David James can't be chipped...not like Seaman anyway
Rio Ferdinand is still not in World Cup Form
Wes Brown is pushing for the First Eleven
Where was Trevor Sinclair?...a World Cup Stand out for mine
Paul Scholes hates scoring from the edge of the box...only in internationals

Oberon 83

Re: Expect a bit of Pommie Bashing....!

Post by Oberon 83 »

Just received the following email fae a Kiwi pal.
Long, it is. Sorry. But there's a couple of grins in it.
Soccer NZ today rejected a request from the FA for an England v NZ friendly to be played in the NZ winter, saying the game would likely be 'hardly worth it' following lowly England's recent loss to a second-string Australia side.
'We'd have to make entry to the game free to attract a crowd to see a low-calibre side like England, and the takings from the raffles and sausage-sizzle probably wouldn't be enough to cover the cost of the hot water for the showers, especially when you look at how many bloody players
they have', said Soccer NZ Chairman Bill Franklin from his offices at the Poenamo Pub today.'
'It's a bit of shame', added Franklin 'cause it looks like they've got some decent young blokes in their team, and developing soccer nations like England need exposure to high-standard opponents like the Oceania teams'.
'But if they can't beat Australia, who we've been using as a practise team over the last few seasons, then they can p*ss off.'
New Zealand All-Whites captain Harry Ngata echoed the Chairman's concerns, and although thought England could take heart from their recent result, doubted many of the NZ players could get time off from milking cows to play
the game, and also noted that the game would probably be 'smack in the middle of lambing season'.
'We're probably better off just concentrating on our upcoming match with Tonga', Ngata said.
Meanwhile Australia coach Frank Farina has come under fire at home about the disappointing 3-1 result. He today dismissed criticism regarding his reluctance to pick 'proper Aussies' for the England match as 'bloody bullsh*t', instead claiming that the European-based players need a chance
to prove themselves too. Farina hit back at top NSL clubs, Wollongong Wolves and Brisbane Stars who were reluctant to release their top players for the international claiming the match was 'farcical', and insisting that they were better off retaining their top players for the upcoming matches
with league high-flyers, the Auckland-based Soccer KiNgZ. In some cases clubs were seeking multi-hundred dollar payouts to release the players for the match dubiously billed as an 'international', recognising that England is not really a proper country anyway, just a principality like Wales.
'I'm glad we didn't pull all the blokes from the NSL (National Soccer League) over there, it could have been an absolute bloody embarrassment. We could have been lookin' at 6- or 8-nil if we'd had our Australia-based players, and that's no good for anyone' said Farina.
'Plus with the cost of the flights, it would have been a waste of bloody money.' Farina's frustration was evident, noting that England coach Sven Goran Eriksson wouldn't even buy him a beer after the match, despite his ?2m a year pay-packet.
'Swedish w*nker' Farina was heard to have uttered. Farina was said to be happy with the way the second-stringers performed, but insisted they were still 'a bunch of bloody poofters who should be playin' a proper game like
Aussie Rules or League.'

Re: Expect a bit of Pommie Bashing....!

Post by jj »

Great stuff.
And good luck to God's Own Country:
This here is the Wattle;
It's the Emblem of Our Land:
You can stick It in a Bottle;
Or hold it in yer Hand

[cue: National Anthem and sounds of emu-strangling.......]