
A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.


Post by jj »

Well done again bgafd !!! (and of course some small laurels to a certain moaning, curmudgeonly Neanderthal.......). Beginning to think the US might have a point about 'complaint culture'....
Simon of the above boutique has contacted me with news that he has located a couple of tattered, dusty old VHS copies of 'Lusty English Lesbians/Dirty English Bitches', and a few other titles too.
Apparently they went over to DVD-only (boo, hiss....) on completion of their latest website, but have tiny stocks of these 'remaindered' vids. If anyone else is interested in the above, please let them know, or contact me.
But AFTER I've got mine, eh....?
[sound of sweaty palms rubbing together.....]
Wing commander Lizard

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by Wing commander Lizard »

So they have been stockpiling eh! does Donald Rumsy know about this, I of course am not at all interested (slurp,dribble)but obviously if you feel the need to send them on a UK tour after youv,e finished wiping the dust of you/them you know where I am.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by jj »

...and I thought Flying Lizards were native only to Borneo.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by magoo »

See? I fucking told you there were hard vhs versions of these advertised a while ago on AdultX tv probably by this very same company! But oh no JJ knows all the answers etc etc. I may not be as worldly wise as uncle JJ but my memory and eye for detail is razor sharp.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by Lizard »

Yep, there,s no fly,s on you M, are you still opening the car door to let the clutch out?

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by jj »

, the last sentence- I DID take yer word for it, see, Young Lochinvar !!
Err...that was only last much for your memory and razor-sharp eye for detail.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by jj »

They won't let him drive anymore, after that incident with the milk-float and the tricycle.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by magoo »

I know but I just felt like having a go at you for no valid reason. No malice involved just a desire to liven this place up with a spot of verbal fisticuffs. Reading Teresa posts makes me antisocial.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by jj »

Me too.

Re: suburbansluts/bgafd

Post by magoo »

Oh! well, me NOT too/two/to in that case.