Can anybody tell me if british panties series 2 is available on dvd and if so where from?
I have managed to locate BP series 1 (4 dvds) with the help of this forum but series 2 doesn't seem to be available anywhere.
I am particularly after the episode with Emma Pierce and the one with Kelly-Marie.
Thanks, Mu Hal
British Panties
Re: British Panties
Oh! I got really excited for a minute.
Thanks for your help but I have already got that dvd as it is the 2nd dvd in the 1st series of four dvds.
What I'm after is the 2nd series.
Thanks for your help but I have already got that dvd as it is the 2nd dvd in the 1st series of four dvds.
What I'm after is the 2nd series.
Re: British Panties
sorry, misread your post. i don't think what you're after exists, however.
Re: British Panties
It exists in the sense that it was shown on Tac about a year ago the same as the 1st series was.
Re: British Panties
They're still being shown (h/c versions) from time to time on Spice Platinum. Maybe they're getting their money's worth from that source before DVD/VHS release.
Re: British Panties
Can you tell me what equipment is needed to view spice platinum?
I have a Sky digital set up but I have been told that this is useless.
I have a Sky digital set up but I have been told that this is useless.
Re: British Panties
You'll need a completely separate satbox (not Sky digibox) fitted with an Irdeto decryption cam (although I've heard rumours they might also go with Viaccess in the near future)and either a second dish directed at the Hotbird satellite group or a motorised dish.
Have a good rummage around in previous threads via the Search button - the subject's been discussed quite a few times before.
Better still, trot down to your local independent satbox/dish installer and get firsthand info.
There are loads of receivers available starting from about ?200.
Have a good rummage around in previous threads via the Search button - the subject's been discussed quite a few times before.
Better still, trot down to your local independent satbox/dish installer and get firsthand info.
There are loads of receivers available starting from about ?200.