serious con girls be warned

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Daz Savage
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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by Daz Savage »

I'm sorry Emma... but I have to ask how the hell did you not spot this from the outset?
Body-language would tell you if you were speaking face-to-face that a person was iffy or just plain wrong and text carries with it just as many unseen hints at a person's true motives.

He wrote:
"hi how are you im going to LA next week do you have a showreel i would like to see if i can get you work over there im also a agent im taking 2 girls with me as i have got them loads of work have you got a website? or showreel? or i can produce a showreel for you, you seriously need to be getting booked up quickly not sure y u still got free dates you look amazing
let me kno babes"
This email is 'straight-in...' no introduction or salutation or attention to detail (the email is peppered with spelling and grammatical mistakes that would be ignored in small amounts since nobody is after a Pulitzer Prize but this missive is fucking awash with childish errors... and no professional would ever attempt to strike-up a working relationship with a model with so much use of text-speak. There is no evidence of even an attempt at formality which all indicate that this person feels safe to assume he can talk to you as if you already are known to each other. This tells me that he has some shared some intimacy with you prior to this correspondence. I am not saying you know each other in the regular sense - I mean that I suspect he is a fan who has spent some time with your pictures and movies, or at least enough time to subconsciously think it appropriate to write an email like this. The point is that a professional would have concentrated on professional detail not personal familiarity.
Take a look at the sudden, overly-familiar ending. "you look amazing
let me kno babes." I suspect this individual was actually getting aroused - and I'm dead serious about that.

"hi emma
basically i used to work in LA doing pr work and marketing for the big porn companies there and recently i have been supplieing them uk women for their productions iget a showreel shot of them and take it with me to LA and shop them around so far iv already taken 8 models from UK and they are getting big companies after them im taking few more with me in the next 2weeks with your look you would so easily get the big gigs ithought u wud be working withthe big companies here ican get a showreel made for you and take it with me when i go to LA and i gurantee you will get LA work
let me kno and ill start sorting it out for u

V "
No capitalization of name, the term "big companies" rather than name-dropping which is what you would want and expect, the same goes with his stable of models - no names on offer and no offer to send details on request.
The whole sentence structure is wrong and the paragraph jumps from one point to another rather than flowing logically - this is not helped by the absolute lack of punctuation. My suspicion again is that this is a message typed with one hand since the writer is concerned with getting from start to finish rather than the professional detail and the accurate transmission of information. Truncated word style and text-speak again demonstrate familiarity that should be absent at this early stage.

Taken as a whole this person's transactions display a definite subconscious attempt at a personal relationship rather than a professional one.
One way to evaluate an introductory letter from a stranger is to measure tone using key words and phrases. Think of it like a line-graph that begins at zero (normal) and rises and falls when key words come into play.
A letter with no introduction drops into the negative section immediately. Every badly spelled word drops it further as does any word or phrase with is not professional. Most of us would use some familiarities and perhaps try to inject humour into an email to a stranger since that would make us come across as human and pleasant to work with but I think that everyone (in the biz)on this board would write an email who's graph would still remain in the plus (positive) area.

Another big signal is the speed and rhythm of the writing. I won't dwell on this too much but I'll point out that these emails look exactly like the naughty messages that fans send models. It's only the subject-matter that differs here but nevertheless the speed and rhythm of the message (evidenced by the lack of attention to detail and the overly familiar endings after a sudden stop). This is in keeping with the speed and rhythm of sex with someone you know... Quick intro, bang, bang, bang (with no delicacy) and then a quick ending after which some pillow-talk might be appropriate.
Instead of "you look amazing let me kno babes"...
Read, "you WERE amazing let me kno babes."

Analyzing people is part of what I used to do.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
emma butt
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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by emma butt »

ugly diaz thanks for the comments i can assure i do not know or wish to know this person my spelling is pretty crap at time but not as bad as his was. your assesment seems spot on i did notice it seemed funny from the first message but thought i would give the benift of the doubt only when i asked for refs did i fully realize. Twister i would very much like a email and sarah please contact me on
tvx shafta winner 2011 and 2012 most outrageous scene shebang girl of the year 2012 Front covers of Bluebird Magazine and Mayfair
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Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by Daz Savage »

Hi Emma.
I can tell you don't know this person - and don't want to.
Don't get me wrong - I'm no spelling Nazi (I'm bloody dyslexic - which actually helped me in my old job as it made me overly attend to detail). I never expect people to have perfect spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure in the real world but when strangers approach models it's fun to read between the lines.
Be lucky.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: she wanted to be my agent too!

Post by Storm »

Hi , i too have been contacted by "Veronica Mars" and put in touch with her "stud" Rocky Dillon? below is the an email i recieved from V

hi hun
nice pics babe i will be using you for a milf scenario with a young stud iv foound few young models but the are asking too much money if i use this guy i kno who does camera work for me hes in experienced but i can get him to do it for free i can giv u ?450 b/g work but m eans u wud hav to show him the moves what u think ??


I replied to this, and recieved this in reply:

lol when are u free and i tink it wud best if u meet him b4 and show him ur moves so he doesnt look weird wen we shooot wen u available hun

i was contacted again today with this email:

hi jayne lol
those videos wont get you any work they just look too amateur like homemade shoots also showreel needs to be 3 -4 mins in length never mind have you not sorted anything out with rocky he ccan do u a showreel

I had my doubts from the beginning but now these doubts have been confirmed i will be imediatley removing Rocky from my contacts list.
Girls: do not reply to this/these persons.

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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by Storm »

Twister, i have sent you an email. please reply, :)

Posts: 58
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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by SAS_Jack »

Jesus, this game is hard enough for everyone without people pulling stunts like this all the time.... Good looking out guys.

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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by kerrylouiselove »

Babe Thats shit! So glad ur looking out for the girlies, Me loves ya xxxx

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Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
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Re: serious con girls be warned

Post by Daz Savage »

I wonder if this idea has ever worked for him?
Might try it for myself to see what happens. !grin!

At least I'm great-looking and fab in bed.
(Sorry, couldn't help it.)

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Dani Amour
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Re: V is my agent !

Post by Dani Amour »

I was contacted a while back by this person, saying she has a shoot for me. She asked if i had a partner to work with, when i replied say8ing yes and that he also works in the industry and stated his rates, she very quickly changed her mind, she even said he looked to old, any one who has seen my James knows full well he is one of the youngest looking studs around, lol he was told yesterday on shoot he looked about 15.......... She went on to say she had found a stud for me who was young looking!!!!! I didnt reply.

I then got another mail saying, while your here my clients wants to no if you will do a private bj, not filmed ect and he will pay good rates for 30 minutes. Well that was it. No more e-mails sent and blocked this person from contacting me further.

Hmmm seems this person likes to play games with everyone, or should i say f**k with everyone.

Stay safe everyone


