O/T programme file

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T programme file

Post by rob »

Can anyone tell me where I can get a program entitled Encase - looking for a source that I dont have to subscribe to - but happy to send payment to someone to buy a copy - previously mentioned here in reference to Kazaa



Re: O/T programme file

Post by Lizard »

You can downloaqd a free evaluation copy here:

but be careful, you never know who,s watching. oooooooohhhhhhhh

Re: O/T programme file

Post by rob »

Thanks - what do you mean ?


Re: O/T programme file

Post by Lizard »

If it,s the Encase programme I think you mean, it,s a forensic evidence tool, for analysing computer hard-drives, used by police and security companies.
It cost between ?300/?2000, I just dont know why you would want it!
There are several free disk wiping programmes, that even Encase cant recover, so why bother with it?

Re: O/T programme file

Post by rob »

Cos I want to see whether the disk wipe programme works - And no I've nothing dodgy to wipe, its because wiped files arent always wiped and therefore still slowing the pc down - this way by running encase to see whats still there I can check if wiped files are wiped !

if you follow me !


Re: O/T programme file

Post by Lizard »

Encase, is a totally different thing, it copies hard drives without disturbing them, ie taking the machine away etc, and provides evidence for people who need it.
It,s not a file wipe system, just the opposite in fact, you need
BC Wipe, do a search on google.

Re: O/T programme file

Post by rob »

No I understand thats its now a wipe file system. As I say I want to see if the wipe file software is effective - ie run wipefile then run encase to see what shows up

Are you saying it wont work this way ?
