mature female models req`d
Re: mature female models req`d
irecall when my girlfriend[susan]lived at stubbington? she asked me over together with her and her husband ideclined the invitation,now were back together and she told me the real reason,wish i had gone but were both complex people,it will be 35yrs next year since we 1st met.
Re: mature female models req`d
Steve, get yer arse over to Bristol for a shoot with Libby and post the results.
Re: mature female models req`d
I am a 55 yr old mature model based in West Yorkshire. See my pics at
o/t Re: mature female models req`d
People dropping in unexpected...the bane of my life
If anybodies coming downunder only drop in if I've sent you a hand written invitation
If anybodies coming downunder only drop in if I've sent you a hand written invitation
Re: mature female models req`d
Ok so I had to start somewhere! Yahoo did represent a quick and free method of getting some photos online. Some people have found it useful, others seem to have a problem with access.
However as from this morning I have got my own site up and running at
However as from this morning I have got my own site up and running at