Info on Ben's films please

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Info on Ben's films please

Post by Docuss »

Does anyone know where I can buy the uncut Euro versions of
1. BD's "Bummed Out In Britain" that has the section with Katy pissing


2. "Housewife Hussies" with the uncut version of Bee's section
(the VCA version is so badly cut in her section, it's hardly worth looking at, which is a shame, because she is a wonderful lady)

Lastly, does anybody know of a Ben Dover film in which Marino gets pissed on in a bath I think, and he drinks some and then proceeds to shag her senseless, (fuckin' pervert), but it's completely cut out of the VCA version. It's not British Babe Hunt on the boat.

In fact does anybody know of any other British films, especially BD's, where the same sort of cuts are made to please the Yanks


Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by Shaun? »

The Marino film with the bath and the natural shower is with Linda Leigh, but I think he shags her first the gets his shower.

Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by Shaun? »


Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by alec »

Your Choice sells the first two. Their version of Bummed out in Britain is definitely the one you are looking for. I can't say for certain about Housewfie Hussies as I haven't seen the VCA version.

Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by rdm »

Doesn't Kerry Matthews piss in his mouth in a bath in BD's Alley Cats?

Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by Docuss »

Thanks to Shaun, Alec & rdm for the info. If anyone has a Euro copy of those films mentioned, or others, and would like to swap, please contact me direct and not through the forum.


Arnold Layne

Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by Arnold Layne »

& there's a scene in one of the numbered volumes where he's on a boat with Hayley Russell, & she pisses, and he drinks it

Re: Info on Ben's films please

Post by Steven »

That Hayley Russell one is on British Babe Hunt which also has a scene with a 18 year old Cypriot girl peeing in a toilet, which Docuss says he does not want in his original post.
The one I think he is thinking of is the Linda Leigh scene where she pees on Marino in the bath. Thats on Banned In Britain, but Shaun is correct, the peeing scene happens after the sex, not before. It seems like a little after thought that they decided to shoot afterwards, so if it is cut from certain versions, it probably would not be evident that anything is missing. Incidentally that video has Jade Newman peeing in the sink tagged onto the end of the final scene.