tabor advert in paper
tabor advert in paper
has anyone sent of to tabor for the 24 films for a tenner which has been advertised recently in certain papers and magazines and if so what did you receive
Re: tabor advert in paper
the mind boggles - but I think we can assume not 24 pieces of quality adult entertainment...
Re: tabor advert in paper
bazza is a text book example of why 'The Small Essex Geezer' has such a huge wad.
Officer Dibble
Officer Dibble
Re: tabor advert in paper
.....which is odd, as Tabor are (or were until very recently) a reputable outfit.
Forward the ad. to one of the mod.s for scrutiny might be a good idea.......
Forward the ad. to one of the mod.s for scrutiny might be a good idea.......
Re: tabor advert in paper
24 films for a tenner?
I think what you'll get is a bill for excess postage from your postman. ?10 won't even cover the stamps.
I think what you'll get is a bill for excess postage from your postman. ?10 won't even cover the stamps.
Re: tabor advert in paper
You're unbelievable.
That's yet another customer you've lost.
AFAIK, he's a complete stranger to you (how did you decide he was from Essex, BTW? Just another one of your irrational prejudices? And I thought you were rather fond of the place.....), whose only 'crime' is the commendable prudence of asking here before parting with his probably harder-earned-than-yours cash in response to an advert ostensibly from one of the companies listed in the Links here.
Good luck to you if, unlike the majority of us, you have money to burn and a lifetime's experience of dodgy suppliers. The rest of us muddle along as best we can: no thanks to you, sport.
That's yet another customer you've lost.
AFAIK, he's a complete stranger to you (how did you decide he was from Essex, BTW? Just another one of your irrational prejudices? And I thought you were rather fond of the place.....), whose only 'crime' is the commendable prudence of asking here before parting with his probably harder-earned-than-yours cash in response to an advert ostensibly from one of the companies listed in the Links here.
Good luck to you if, unlike the majority of us, you have money to burn and a lifetime's experience of dodgy suppliers. The rest of us muddle along as best we can: no thanks to you, sport.
Re: tabor advert in paper
JJ, the Essex geezer OD refers to is Dave Sullivan. The 24 titles for a tenner is an old DS tactic dating back to the early 90s/late 80s (see his his ads in the News of The World and other tawdry rags)
Re: tabor advert in paper
It will cover the postage because Daves "24 titles" are 2 minute shorts all on one tape. Hes been running that scam for years.
I suspect this Tabor ad is not linked to the real Tabor who are genuine. Hes probably pinched thier name.
As a rule of thumb never reply to ads carried by British tabloids because they only accept ads from softcore rip-off artists like the afore mentioned Essex twat. Actually I believe DS is from Cardiff, but his 56 bedroomed mansion may be in Essex.
I suspect this Tabor ad is not linked to the real Tabor who are genuine. Hes probably pinched thier name.
As a rule of thumb never reply to ads carried by British tabloids because they only accept ads from softcore rip-off artists like the afore mentioned Essex twat. Actually I believe DS is from Cardiff, but his 56 bedroomed mansion may be in Essex.
Re: tabor advert in paper
Classic MO for DS - which means it must work? That's the real misery of the stupid hypocrisy of the British establishment regarding porn - a lot of people get ripped off with no redress and certain people get big houses in the country...
Re: tabor advert in paper
Indeed. And I bet if a legit company like Your Choice tried to place an ad in a British tabloid they would be refused due to the fact that they sell the real McCoy. However the tabloids seem happy to publish ads from Daves many companies which surely breach the Trade Descriptions Act with thier downright lies.
I wonder why I never get invited to the Sport Christmas party?:.)
I wonder why I never get invited to the Sport Christmas party?:.)