best british porn film...ever.
Re: best british porn film...ever.
........yep, jam-packed full of arseholes.
Housewife Hussies has to be in with a chance (nominees: Carla, Claire and Annie).....
Housewife Hussies has to be in with a chance (nominees: Carla, Claire and Annie).....
Re: best british porn film...ever.
Would like to see a lot more Brit product than i have, but from what i've seen so far i'd say you'll find the quality in Ben's work. Someone mentioned End Games and i agree, that was so great in every scene. (this might be a bit off the track but -) It doesn't help that your local video seems to be in an incompatible format with VHS. Also, we don't have regional coding on our DVDs but it seems some Brit product i've considered has coding which makes it unplayable here. BTW, what's the deal with that? Anyway, hope you find some good ones out there.
Re: best british porn film...ever.
Our video incompatible with vhs?! I presume your American valx? Our vhs videos are PAL as are Europe, Russia, Middle East, Australia and in fact most of the world. Its only North America and Japan who use NTSC so I would say its them who are incompatible not us.
Re: best british porn film...ever.
.....not forgetting the French, who it seems can't get on with anyone except in b&w, apart from (at the moment) the Germans. And that's only because they hate us more than they hate each other. So the Brits actually keep them from invading one another, which is a Good Thing as it means no World War, but a bad Thing as America stays Top Nation.
For more, see my latest book, 'Politics for the Under-fives' (Puffin books).
For more, see my latest book, 'Politics for the Under-fives' (Puffin books).
Re: best british porn film...ever.
If there are more than a tiny number of British porn DVDs that are region coded I'd be very surprised. Some European ones yes - but (except for some 70s/80s rarities) that's generally because the same films are also available in the USA. For example, some Colmax (A French label - and BTW French DVDs are either PAL or NTSC, not Secam) DVDs are NTSC, region 0 and have a choice of languages including English and are thus playable easily in the States. Others are PAL, region 2 and in French only because the US rights are owned by someone else.
BTW PAL is a superior format to NTSC as the resolution is higher, not that you notice the difference when playing either VHS or DVD on the TV.
Region-free DVD players that will play both PAL and NTSC are available on both sides of the Atlantic, e.g. in the USA
BTW PAL is a superior format to NTSC as the resolution is higher, not that you notice the difference when playing either VHS or DVD on the TV.
Region-free DVD players that will play both PAL and NTSC are available on both sides of the Atlantic, e.g. in the USA
Re: best british porn film...ever.
Secam is still PAL though so I let the Frogs off the hook. But those yanks! Grrrrrrrrr! NTSC is crap. Fewer lines so poor res and the tape runs faster so again poorer resolution.
Re: best british porn film...ever.
i was actually pointing out a general way to broaden the market for product. The format probably is crap (so i wouldn't have a clue why the Japanese use it). Afterall VHS replaced Beta and IBM the Mac for no reason whatsoever that i can fathom other than quality costs more. So i won't argue if something is better. My point was adding an additional duplication in any format which offers another outlet. Region free DVD players are not available in stores here. Only through websites of unknown reliability - and its very complicated to access what you're really getting at that, besides that more costly than what is easy to buy elsewhere. In terms of formats it might be easier to change the supply side than the demand side. i was using 'no regional coding' as an example of this. Hope that clears it up.