Marcus Allen

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Marcus Allens Webmaster

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Marcus Allens Webmaster »

Would you care to explain why I am weird...

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Lizard »

Look at your original post,youve already admitted your demented.
Marcus Allens Webmaster

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Marcus Allens Webmaster » if that makes me weird in JJ's eyes so be it....

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by jj »

You want money instead of pussy.

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by steve56 »

give him the money honey
Marcus Allens Webmaster

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Marcus Allens Webmaster »

I have got to the stage where I would like money just 1 day a week and have pussy 6 days a week....pussy is fine but it doesnt pay the bills.

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by jj »

I'd missed that point.
Have you ever considered a career in chiropody?

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by magoo »

It was 1990 Marcus but I agree with your sentiment. We armed him with these weapons of mass destruction and our government would have been quite happy to see him gas loads of Iranians because it suited our agenda at the time. Bush (the shaved chimp) and Blair try to con the public by mentioning the Twin Towers atrocity, in fact none of the hijackers were from Afganistan never mind Iraq. He has not even got a pea-shooter now after 10 years of sanctions and regular weekly air strikes on air defence facilities. And also he has absolutely no links with the rich Saudis who were responsible for 9/11. The hypocrasy stinks. North Korea said this week they would consider launching a pre-emptive strikes on the USA if US troops continue to build up on the Korean Penninsula. Blair says diplomacy is the answer there. Why? Because N.Korea can fight back thats why. So it seems the USA and by default us(Blair is Bushs poodle) are only happy to use force against weak targets.

BTW I am not a pacifist. The second World War against Hitler was justified unlike this one. And I have a relative and two friends who are on thier way to the Gulf and they reckon its all a pile of crap aswell.

And did you know Dubya Bush executed more prisoners than any other state governer in history when he was in charge of Texas. Some of whom were mentally ill and under 18. He likes to have blood on his hands. Also he shouldnt even be in power because the American public voted for the other bloke.

It disgusts me the way certain nasty dictators or rogue states are ignored by St Tony for various political reasons. An example being public executions in Saudi and the frequent breaking of UN Resolutions by Isreal. The USA cannot preach about breaches of UN resolutions while they support Isreal who shoot dead kids who chuck stones.

OK rant over. If I am not around tomorrow you can assume Tony has sent the SAS round to storm Magoo Mansions to put a stop to such subversive ranting.
Sadam Holmes

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Sadam Holmes »

Thanking you Mr Magoo, we must share a kebab one day my friend
ps. due to sanctions, can you send me some Cathy Barry pics, asap, I need something to cheer me up, they have bombs now called "fire and forget" a bit like wash and go, but these take your head off, ha ha ha I,m a funny guy eh!Why do everyone hate me.
Sid the Sexist

Re: Marcus Allen

Post by Sid the Sexist »

Does if you send 'em out to work......