Models doing extras???

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Daz Savage
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Models doing extras???

Post by Daz Savage »

I keep reading (possibly humorous) messages that allude to others preferring to work with models who do more than just pose for pictures.
I'm sure you know what I mean.
Actually I'm confident that the messages are meant tongue-in-cheek but sometimes things like this make me a little ashamed to be in this business at all.
We have models saying "Certs done and ready for a shag" and 'toggers saying "Will work with her if she'll suck my cock."
For fuck's sake are we professionals or has the whole industry gone down the toilet? Maybe it's because I'm tired and have been working all night but I suspect that I'd be as pissed off at any time of the day. Some days we sound more like a dating site (with cash changing hands - so make of that what you will) than a professional adult industry forum.

Am I the only photographer left in the country who does pictures without needing extras?
For the record - If I book a girl for a shoot she won't be required to provide sexual services on top (or bottom - for that matter!) If this trend for 'extras' is as widespread as I expect then it's no wonder prices are going up.
maybe I should ask for a discount?

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by SpunkySam »

The fact of the matter is there is no code of conduct for what passes as an adult industry in this country (In my mind an industry indicates some form of cohesion).

I say stick to your guns and keep professional and youll be recognized for it. Some of this may be said in jest but it would be a poor reflection of you and may put off others from working with you if said on a public forum.

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Dave Wells
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by Dave Wells »

It happens and so long as everyone is happy and health issues are taken care of correctly so what ? It's always gone on. And far more before than now I can tell you. On a shoot I have never ever done it. I'm not saying I haven't shagged my fair cop of models, just never how you are describing.

Dave Wells
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by Storm »

At last, another photographer who doesn't expect "extras". You are only the 2nd i have had any communication with. I am serious about making it in this industry. however i do not wish to be known as "the newbie who'll suck your cock for some pics" I am glad to see there are some professional guys out there. Keep up the good work, :) and Daz, if you are looking for a horny professional bbw/milf, message me, :)
Storm, xx

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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by Annap »

uglyDaz ,

i agree with you ,i had a call 2 days ago from a wanker that said how much for a GOOD BJ ? whats a good Bj ?

Anna P
one eyed jack
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by one eyed jack »

"If a chick wants some extra-curricular P to the power V action then I'm not gonna beat her off with a stick"

Thats the problem Scott...Some girls are being expected to provide more. If the girl is game and its her choice then what you say is ok but some blokes can be right arse holes about getting some action.

ie if a girl says she doesnt do gonzo or pov action dont hassle her and keep asking.

The same if a girl doesnt do anal and some guys still try to sneak it in through the backdoor and fuck up the shoot as the girl is glowering with anger.
one eyed jack
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by one eyed jack »

To expand on this , I think some girls dont do themselves any favours if they are forward about it.

People booking them should understand it is an industry version of schmoozing but less experienced people think the girl is gagging for it and wants it from just about anyone.

Spending a few minutes with girls answering their emails they get hit on all the time as if a girl is ready for sex with some random stranger 24-7 and its always amusing to hear that guys can do for them that no other man has and give them hours of pleasure....Come on chaps get real!

The problem is the fantasy and reality are seriously blurred when a man is nurturing a hard on in his hand
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by Cenobitez »

Extra's ?

I have enough problems with the following (1) getting them to turn up half the time, (2) getting them in rick flair style arm lock wrestling the wine bottle out of their hand, (3) getting them to stop looking how good they look with a huge cock in their mouth in the mirror and (4) getting them out the damned bathroom.

If only my problem was keeping them off my cock :P hehehe.

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Paul Taylor
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Re: Models doing extras???

Post by Paul Taylor »

I find that models who dont say they do POV, say it to stop getting the kinds of e-mails about what a guy will do to them or booking a shoot in the wrong way. But thats just with who I had worked with, there are loads of models out there that might disagree.

For the professional market models will do POV or at least thats what I have found.

The problem is the only way you know they will work with you and your site and content is if they approach you.

If they say they dont do POV I have never asked.

However I have been approached by models who say they dont but will with content not for personal collection, but with a producer who shoots and has a career in the industry.

Thing is if they never asked They would never of got offered work as I say if they say no then whether I class myself professional or not, what makes me so special that they want to work with me. Nothing

Some Models know how to limit the amount of pervy requests they get and still get some, imagine how many the ones who dont get?

I dare say I would of asked a model if I really wanted to work with her and showed them my site etc to show them I am in it for business but that never came up.

I was a producer and performer, I wouldnt of quit if it was just about the POV thing, and getting your end away, anyone who cant see that it's not even the biggest part in whats involved professional. If it was just about paying a model to have sex with me I would od never left in the first place.

People seemed to get where I was coming from and seemed to believe me that I shot POV because of my love of that type of style, not for sex. The fact that I always paid professional rates, was always certed and treated the model with utter respect the whole time sorted of backed up my claimed. I guess it also helped that I was also a young man with toned build and not a 70 year old guy with an argos camcorder.

The only time Id ever mention details of the shoot and what was invloved was at the start of a booking to make sure the model was happy with what I required for my site and on the day when talking her through the scene as I never just shot and went straight into it..

I haven't seen posted of togs talking to models like this, but if you speak to anyone like that you deserve to be ignored or not get a shoot out of it, but those who do this as Terry says crossing reality with porn, and they two are completely two different things. Thats what these people are doing.

A girl is ready to appear to fuck anyone with out protection on screen but the stuff behind the scenes is what people dont see and assume what you see is what you get and that is a big shame.

Wow lol I think thats the longest point I have made in over 8 months.


Paul Taylor
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