An Indecent Proposal.

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Lizard »

Given the wealth of experience and diversity of skills/occupations etc by people who post here,
the thoughts often crossed my mind as to why there cant be a film made by pooling those people,s talents.
There are several producers, camera ops, actors etc who frequent this forum, who could collaberate to
produce potentially, a really good movie In a way I suppose, that a BGAFD event is arranged, I,m not quite
sure how this would evolve, but say 2/3 producers chosen from a list, voted for by forumites, and girls/guys
who would be willing to partake, also a "storyline" written by someone with a furtile imagination.
(lets me out), I know youre all thinking "that Lizard" whats he on!, but it would be a great laugh with everyone
involved, and truly a British film.
Providing it was talked through properly, enough funds could be raised for at least a half decent stab at it.
and as long as enough people offered to buy it and stuck by thier pledge, the outlay could be re-couped
Whatsay! or should I just fuck off?

Lizard(his teas gone cold)

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Fuji »

It's not a bad idea, you're quite right about the skills of a lot of forumites but I'm a cynical old cuss. So if people offer to participate get their cash upfront!
Or someone could end up like the man breeding a litter of puppies! All his mates want one until the day they arrive, then suddenly all the mates vanish like a summer morning mist!

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Bayleaf »

Well, for what it's worth I've got a few scripts 'in development' as they say.

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by marcusallen »

You are quite correct and logical. It makes sense. HOWEVER:
This forum is a tiny fraction of the market. Advertsing a product-as we all kmnow - is Big Bucks. for this reason alone - apart from anytyhing else, your proposal would fall on deaf ears.

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by jj »

For 'The Herbs' or 'London's Burning'? We need to know.........
And could we work in bakery products somewhere? Or custard?
Seriously though: I'd guess for a large-ish 'collective' the logistics would be insurmountable (not to mention the unwieldiness/indecisiveness of such a 'committee'......might work with say, 3 or 4 collaborators, though.

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Lizard »

I think I saw it more as "Friends" collaberating Marcus, and I know were a small community, but you sell 200 copies ?30 a time!
?6k pays for?? were not talking big budget,just people from here
producing a gonzo type film, with people we do or dont recognize.
Everthing is possible where there,s a will, but there has to be
just that.
Only a suggestion anyway to provoke some constructive comments,
I was never thinking "gonzo with the wind" type production.

I,ll go back to me cave......

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by marcusallen »

With respect to Producers, currently active:
200 sales @ ?30 for a single title would be a dream come true
John Mason

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by John Mason »

I think it's an excellent idea! Keep me posted and I'll see what I can do to help out.

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Lizard »

Exactly, thats my point, some producers on here constantly bemoaning the fact that they cant shift product! I saw this not as some big commercial venture,just a bit of fun amongst a few people we recognise from this forum with a g,nteed return just on the production costs.

Re: An Indecent Proposal.

Post by Bayleaf »

My ideas, in this case, are most definately xxxx jj. No I mean xxx.

The former is an Aussie lager I helped launch a few years back.