Girls Required

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Girls Required

Post by Marc »

We are looking for Girls for amateur style movies

Will consider anyone, professional, experienced, amature, etc.

All types of work available. Solo, G/G, B/G, G/G/B, B/B/G. Mail me with your details, rates, availability, location and what work you are prepared to do.

Thanks in advance


Re: Girls Required

Post by Steve »

Hi Marc
We are a new model agency based in the north, with some models
working up to top shelf. One in particular "oliviajayne" will
do g/g hard. Jamielee g/g soft.
See website of which we are adding to regular :-

Re: Girls Required

Post by Marc »

Thanx Steve,will get back to you

FAO Steve.

Post by Michelle »


I have looked at your site and you do have a couple of very pretty girls on there.

What does concern me is on the FAQ page you state that you are an agent for Transform which is a plastic surgery clinic and that you can recommend any new models to them, i think that it is unethical for you as a model agent to also be an agent for a plastic surgery clinic.

There are hundreds of would be wannabe models out there and i have had models come into my office and mention that they would like their boobs done and i say to them to do it for yourself as well as for your career and to go a clinic that comes recommended by someone.

Any plastic surgery that goes wrong can end a models career and even worse leave them marked for life.

Chris Romeo

Re: FAO Steve.

Post by Chris Romeo »

I run an agency in Nottingham have a number of girls that work up to b/g hard and I couldnt agree more with Michelle that theres a serious conflict of interests going on with the other guy! Anyway let me know what you think and feel free to get in touch.
Officer Dibble

Re: FAO Steve.

Post by Officer Dibble »

" There are hundreds of would be wannabe models out there and I have had models come into my office and mention that they would like their boobs done and I say to them to do it for yourself as well as for your career and to go a clinic that comes recommended by someone."

Unless, they are a bit special with proven track record - say like Teresa May, or Louise Hodges - I always give plastic titted models the knock-back because it's exceedingly naff.

As far as I'm concerned, unless she will be keeping her kit on, having plastic jubblies can only damage a models career. I don't dig it and the punters don't dig it. In all my adult entertainment career I have never a customer contact me and say "Cor, have you got any pictures/videos of birds with plastic tits?"

There's nothing wrong in principal with wanting to have ample boobies - indeed it's a laudable ambition. But current technology is just not up to the task. Boob jobs usually end up looking unnatural, irritating to the male eye, unerotic and at worst can look downright absurd. If a girl really needs it to boost her self confidence then by all means she should go ahead, but to do so because she thinks it will make her more attractive to men and hence adult entertainment producers is a phallacy.


Re: FAO Steve.

Post by marcusallen »

Who is this Marc who wants models?
IF he was a serious player he would know where to find them.
If he is a tout fdor some cockamamie back street butcher then he should retire to the depths from whence he came and good riddance.

Re: FAO Steve.

Post by Marc »

Just to let you know i am a amateur film maker just trying to start out, i do know where to find models butsaw that other people had advertised for models on here so thought i would also give it a try.

I appologise to anyone who has been offended by this and therefore retract my statement of girls required i shall find them elseware.

Basic arithmetic

Post by jj »

Marcus + JW = full of bonhomie + good will to the World.
Marcus - JW = ravening beast with great scything teeth and claws
where JW is measured in litres, and is always greater than 10.
Equation 2, substituting Whiskas for JW, may also apply to the Chairman.

Re: FAO Steve.

Post by Michelle »

Hi Officer Dibble

I do not like boob jobs as well, but if a girl is determined to have it done so be it, i would not like a girl to go to some dodgy clinic and end up with a set that you can drive a bus through or with nipples pointing in opposite directions.

Magazines like Score and Babyface who are on totally different ends of the spectrum will not use a girl with a boob job so in fact in most cases having them done will minimise work instead of maximising it.

Wait till you are 25 is what i say.
