70's porn from uk
70's porn from uk
hi everyone..I'm looking for videos of classic 70's British Porn, stuff from John Lindsay and the like any idea?
Re: 70's porn from uk
Try emailing Ace chelseaal2001@yahoo.co.uk
Hes got shedloads of the stuff...infact rumour has it he lives in the shed and stocks his gear in his house..believe it or not
If you do a search under subject John Lindsay you'll see Aces name appear numerous times
Hes got shedloads of the stuff...infact rumour has it he lives in the shed and stocks his gear in his house..believe it or not
If you do a search under subject John Lindsay you'll see Aces name appear numerous times
Re: 70's porn from uk
Get yourself over to joeking's site, absolutely superb stills from some of JL's best, I remember seeing the films in SoHo in '79'/'80', brings back so many happy memories, am currently trawling for anything from that era on the net, Hattertim hosts some very good sites in yahoo?, any links to pics of pat astley would be much appreciated, many thanks to all who contribute
the smokey 'RIZZLA'
the smokey 'RIZZLA'