Adventurer..............Slept with all your friends
Athletic................No tits
Average looking.........Has a face like a basset hound
Beautiful...............Pathological liar
Emotionally Secure......Medicated
Feminist............... Ugly ball buster
Free spirit.............Junkie
Friendship first........Trying to live down reputation as a slut
Good Listener......... Borderline Autistic
New-Age.............. All body hair, all the time
Old-fashioned...........Lights out, missionary position only, no BJs
Open-minded............ Desperate
Outgoing................Loud and Embarrassing
Passionate..............Sloppy drunk
Poet....................Depressive Schizophrenic
Professional............Certified Bitch
Redhead.................Bad dye-job
Romantic............ Looks better by candle light
Social..................Has been passed around like an hors d'oeuvres tray
Wants Soulmate..........Stalker
Widow...................Drove first husband to shoot himself
Young at heart..........Old bat
What we really mean. O/T
Re: What we really mean. O/T
I think at one stage or another I've been out with ALL of the above.....I supose I'd get the arse sued off me if I started putting names to the listing......
Re: What we really mean. O/T
One for "beyond the grave"
just name them in your will as i have
To be read out at the reading of the will
Sweet revenge
just name them in your will as i have
To be read out at the reading of the will
Sweet revenge