The future of Britporn

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: o/t Re: The future of Britporn

Post by buttsie »

Larks vomit...a real gastronomic delight...haven't had it for ages or have I?

I'll look out for it next time I tuck into one of your cupcakes


Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Lizard »

I feel a Dibble moment coming on.

o/t Re: The future of Britporn

Post by buttsie »

I've already got a full collection of broken records

Think you should have those Masochistic tendancies looked at Liz

John Mason

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by John Mason »

The only way to move it on, is for the wankers in goverment to stop making stupid laws about being jailed for shagging outside and let the porn producers compete on an even keel and sell their product legally, without all this R18, BBFC crap!
When the producers can finally make a decent living and make serious money, then they can start paying more out on their productions and thus improve the standard of porn in this country.
As we all know, that will never happen, so it looks like your all stuck with what we got now!

Re: o/t Re: The future of Britporn

Post by jj »

Just make sure yer medical insurance is up to date.
Officer Dibble

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Officer Dibble »

" Those organisations dedicated to 'freedom of speech' won't touch porn with a barge-pole, as they see it as weakening their arguments- the hypocrites."

Yes, because they are Guardian reading middle class ponces who turn their noses up at sex because - according to middleclass doctrine and dogma - it?s "demeaning to wimmin." Wouldn't you just like to give them a slap?

Officer Dibble

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Officer Dibble »

Hear, Hear Dave!

I wish these third rate models and producers with their terminally naff products would just cease and desist. 'Tis they who are fucking things up. If they went away punters would be left with no choice but to pay for high quality vids featuring high quality (expensive) birds. But they keep poping up on here saying "Hey, we've made a great shagging movie!" and I'm thinking "Oh God no" and when I check it out it is usually more of the same low rent tripe featuring the usual suspects.

Officer Dibble

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Officer Dibble »

No, that was just to appease the 'moral minority' - like the Daily Mail and maybe a few 'wimmin's groups.'

Officer Dibble

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Officer Dibble »

It's nothing to do with "morals" buttsie - It's simply politics.

Officer Dibble.
Officer Dibble

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Officer Dibble »

"At present Britporn could get a little harder, but how hard before middle of the road buyers get uncomfortable?"

Middle of the road buyers already find it distasteful and have stopped buying in their droves.

"The Brits make top gonzo."

Something to be proud of Bayleaf? Some might say that the Brits haven?t got the taste, talent or ability to do anything else.
