The future of Britporn

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Crimpo »

Interesting discussion - the answer definitely isn't harder material. I don't see how the industry can thrive here in the current legal situation. The only person it helps is DS. The gallant few who struggle against the tide here produce some good stuff - the best of it is better than anything US gonzo can manage. We also have a few absolute top-class performers - and not all of them are permanently US based - but you can't blame them for going where the opportunites are?
Dave Wells

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Dave Wells »

Absolutely bang on. The invention of idiot proof cameras has meant that idiots have been picking them up and making waht they see as reasonable money. Thus bringing the price down for us who went to college to learn about photography and cameras. The biggest problem in this business is that there are just to many people in it.
Sammy L.

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Sammy L. »

51st state? isn't that a schiser film starring Bobby Carlisle?
Wink Wink

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by Wink Wink »

Guess they won't allow harder stuff. How many years have we been behind our near neighbours in what is permissable & what is not in the UK? You have only got to visit a sex shop in Europe to see what you can get there that you can't here.
joe king

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by joe king »

like the death penalty?

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by buttsie »

Never say never

Women voting in will never happen

You might not be alive when it happens however

All you need is a Sex Scandal like the Yanks have had with the Church and the morally righteous will be vanquished opening the way for more logical views to rise...what is in place at the minute is akin to a sand wall holding back the tide

Seems rather funny to me that mailing within is illegal but mailing from without is ok...just plain stupid or is there a more sinister reason for it?

In the end the internet will defeat these archaic laws

Morals over Revenue...maybe the government should be Privatised?


Re: The future of Britporn

Post by jj »

GBS: 'All professions are conspiracies against the laity'.

o/t Re: The future of Britporn

Post by buttsie »

So thats why all your cakes have been devoid of icing sugar lately?


Re: o/t Re: The future of Britporn

Post by jj »

I'll have you know I use nothing but natural ingredients.
Right down to the lark's vomit and monosodium glutamate......

Re: The future of Britporn

Post by buttsie »

That will soon be remedied I'm thinking

When businesses go into freefall staff are always the first to go

We've seen it here in Australia
Leading porn retailers offering fire sales of 50 percent discounts on all their range including Private & Marc Dorcel

Even with these measures they are still going down the toilet
because Joe public prefers to buy pirated tapes
that are 50 per cent cheaper again

When I can buy 23 vids(PAL VHS in original boxes) for 70 pounds from you know the industry is in trouble...admittably they aren't brit porn but then to most ordinary punters it doesn't matter.

For one of HCCs quality porn vids I can buy 7 Euro/Yank vids..scary really
