Adult industry summer party 2009

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by valentino »

hey how many girls are comen...?

holly xx
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by holly xx »

hi traceylian
i would be very interested in the party have u had any models confirm they r going hollyxx
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Coolcat »

"Several models said they wouldnt attend a public party because the previous one had been unpleasant."
Tracey, to which previous public party are you (and the models you spoke to) referring to here?
I think this is quite serious. If we're not having another public party because models will be unlikely to attend after something which happened at a previous one, don't we need to get to the bottom of it?
Or is this just a case of general, unhelpful comments such as "the last one was a bit crap" or whatever, which should really be taken with a pinch of salt?

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Cenobitez »

Photo's from the last one, here :)

I really need to move them onto Pornoparty :)

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by matt21 »

I attended the Brixton party in 2007 and thought the public were quite well behaved.
If the girls do not want the public touching them then they have every right to tell them to fuck off.
I take it they will have security their at the next party?
Holly D
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Holly D »

Do the models have to pay or just the public?


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one eyed jack
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by one eyed jack »

I think the simple non confrontational answer is that UKAP would like to do one but when the post was put up, no model responded but when it was posted up again it was industry only the response was a lot better.

To be fair, I cant see a problem with the meet the public parties and there have been some great ones in the past like the BGAFD parties and while Im sure there are some girls who dont mind meeting the public it seems not enough these days actually want to.

I cant speak for any of the girls and I notice many of them havent even answered here either.
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Coolcat »

I'm not sure we can assume it's the Brixton party that's being referred to, Matt. Incidentally I also attended and thought it a well-behaved, well-organised event.

My view, for what it's worth: frustrating as it is for those of us not "in the industry", if anyone decides to organise an industry-only event, and invite who they like, that's their own decision. Their event, their rules, however much we may prefer something else.

If models don't want to attend events involving the public at all, or not unless they are paid, that's entirely their choice, even though those who came to the bgafd parties several years ago took a different, and in my view more enlightened, approach.

What's troubling is an unsubstantiated, sort of general, catch-all feeling about unpleasantness involving contact with the public, all of which reads rather badly.

Is it indeed unwanted touching etc that we're talking about? Or something else?

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Gaslight »

Really enjoyed the last party and booked a couple of shoots while i was there. !thumbsup!

Like any self respecting porn producer I am of course open to bribery from models wanting shoots. All you have to do is flutter your eyelashes, whisper sweet nothings in my ear....and discreetly fiddle with my man bits! !grin!

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by harmonyhex »

JK and I are coming. Wouldn't miss it for the world!

Tracey I've missed you!!!! Want to go shopping for sexiness in outfit form before the party? (and not to perv at skater boys in eyeliner while shopping in Camden of course!!!) hee heeee

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