Instructions for posting pictures

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Daz Savage »

I thought I'd post a simple guide to placing pictures in posts since already there have been a couple of people who have said that this is useful:

Okay (sorry if this seems over simplified but I have to offer this advice to even those who know nothing as well as those who know most of the steps.)
1: Go to (There are lots of other sites - these are called image hosts' but I'm using this for my example). You will see this page:
Note the arrows, they indicate the only buttons you need to use:
A. "Browse" (to locate the image you want everyone to see).
B. "Image Content" (Set this to Adult).
C. "Send File(s)" (To start the upload).

2. So now let's actually locate your image:
Press BROWSE and a new BROWSER window will pop up allowing you to search your system.

3. Once you've located the image or group of images you want to upload
to imagevenue you can press the OPEN button and the BROWSER window will close... you will now see this:
This is imagevenue telling you that your image or images are waiting to upload...
you just have a couple of things to do first.

4. Make sure that you've selected the correct image - always a good idea.
Now tell imagevenue that the image is an ADULT one!
Now press SEND FILE(S)

5. Once the upload is finished imagevenue will appear to halt (this is normal).
After this pause you will see a new page:
This is far less complicated than it may appear.
Near the top (at the right) you can see your image (as a small thumbnail)
Then you see a box with some text beginning HTTP:// (this is the actual address of your image.)
Putting this text in the address bar of INTERNET EXPLORER will show a page holding your image. You can give this as a link to people either in emails or on forums and boards by pasting it exactly into your message. People cannot see an image though until they click the link.
However, if you require a visible thumbnail in your post, forums and boards will need special code to make this work for you so the second box down has created this FORUM code automatically!

6. Highlight this FORUM code (the other FORUM code below is just in case the first one doesn't work on a particular board)
Also, you can ignore the last box of code... unless you happen to be auctioning yourself! (actually, this is HTML code - you need FORUM code and this is why you should leave it alone).

7. Now paste the code into your message.

Here's mine - enjoy!

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
holly xx
Posts: 573
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by holly xx »

hi hun so did my pic come up that i posted ,and can u use hardcore on imagevenue to post on here hollyxxx
Posts: 78
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Moosebumps »

Holly - yes your pic came up in the other post and yes you can post hardcore.

Think this post should either be permanently at the top of the forum (or a version of it), as it's really helpful.

Nice one Daz!
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Daz Savage »

Hardcore is allowed on imagevenue.
However I can't see any picture with your post here.
If you post a picture that gets deleted for any infringement of the rules your code will still be visible in the post you made but now it will simply go to the Imagevenue main page.
Most 'image hosts' do this or similar.
Since I can see no picture or code then I will assume that you didn't put the code in this post at all.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Daz Savage »

Aha - yes, it was viewable in the other post (I thought she meant this one).
And thanks Moose.
Most kind.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
holly xx
Posts: 573
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by holly xx »

thanks guys u been a big help hollyxxx
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Daz Savage »

One last piece of info for putting pictures into your profile here.
This is a host that allows direct linking of images rather than pages which means that your image can be used in profile pictures and signatures - where an image is needed rather than a thumbnail which links to a page that 'holds' the original.
Unfortunately Tinypic does not allow adult content but you can stll post a headshot here for a profile!
When you've uploaded the chosen pic to Tinypic simply use the code from the box labelled:
"IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards"
The code will be in 'image tags' which means these:
[IMG]your image code goes here[/IMG]
The result is a 'direct' image not a thumbnail.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Posts: 1956
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Instructions for posting pictures

Post by Cenobitez »

I allow hotlinking on :P

Just need to get all the code sorted as its kinda messy but fully working :)

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