Adult industry summer party 2009

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by ukap1 »

Following the success of last years summer and xmas parties UKAP are pleased to announce the adult industry summer party 2009, for more details and tickets please go to

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by matt21 »

Is the party open to the public? matt
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by clare40dd »

im actually coming to this for deffo

Cuckold is the new black
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by danielson »

I'll be there as you already know Tracey !party!

I'll try not to drink too much this time !whistle!



Just having a laugh
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by danielson »

Matt from what I can gather there is a issue with safety for the models, sure you understand.


Just having a laugh
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by bigAl »

Matt, it would seem that those of us outside the industry are not to be trusted in the company of models !!

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by traceylain »

We asked for opinions and support for a public party,and to be honest there just wasnt any support from models or public to make it worth risking money on the event.Several models said they wouldnt attend a public party because the previous one had been unpleasant.I wasnt there,so i am only reporting what they told us.A public party without many models wouldnt have been very popular either!
The first two industry parties have been well attended and very popular and a great networking event for models.I know we have booked models from both events for shoots with us.
Tickets are available immediately from us at
Those connected with the industry are welcome to attend,please mail us for details
Tracey's Blog
one eyed jack
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by one eyed jack »

I did try saying this before but everyone thinks Im trying to ruin their fun

Look at the recent Wicked Tease party and the lack of models that turned up. there was a guest list of 5 pages that if every one turned up as they said it wouldve surpassed any party I have ever known

Its not us Al. Its the girls. if they dont feel comfortable they just wont show and the whole thing becomes a wasted exercise.

Its always the few that spoil it for the rest and as Tracy said, the response to a public party form the girls was only met with a wall of silence. Mention industry party only and it becomes lively again.

I think it speaks for itself. Places like Erotica etc pay the girls to be there.

If we had to pay girls to attend it would cost a fortune and I doubt the public would want to pay for that and if they did there is someone who always wants more for their money with a grope here and a tweak there.

Man dont get me started.
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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by Maverick »

Tracey, you have mail.

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Re: Adult industry summer party 2009

Post by traceylain »

Im glad to say we have already had requests for tickets from people.The venue for this looks very good,and not far from the center of London.Some of the girls we spoke to on our shoot last week are all keen to attend and it is a great networking event for those in the industry.If you have seen pictures from previous events you will also know what a wild night it is too!
Tracey's Blog