the future

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Dr. Emmett Brown

Re: the future

Post by Dr. Emmett Brown »

As someone who has watched a lot of porn, for research purposes only, a porn film from the 1980's isn't that much different from a porn film made in 2003.

All hardcore films are pretty much the same, certainly there are variations on a theme but normally, it is people sucking and fucking. Unless we grow new sexual organs, this trend is going to continue.

Even the performers haven't changed that much, especially if you look past the mountains of hairspray and foundation that the girls wore in ye olden days. If you ask people about their favourite porn performers, the preferences aren't always based on looks anyway.

As for porn's economic bubble bursting, I will have to disagree. The internet is full of new businesses, the video market has a tremendous choice of titles and British productions have multiplied rapidly in the last few years. It's just free market economics.

Whether you find it erotic or not is down to personal preference and as for this elusive glamour quality, I'm afraid you will have to explain that one to me.

Re: the future

Post by Bayleaf »

I suspect the business is being scrutinised even as we speak by business studies professors.

The porn business is changing in the UK, but it's different in other countries. The US already has established studios, production line porn with good distribution channels and the market is huge. But they have been at it for 30 years.

In the UK porn is a cottage industry, with individual producer/directors making their own stuff and struggling to get it distributed. It's quirky and very British. Of course we have plenty of talent, much of which heads for LA.

Continental porn is stylish, immaculately produced, and of its place: French, German, Swedish and now Eastern European.

Not entirely dissimilar to the feature film industry, where Hollywood dominates. And pundits started forecasting the end of film when television began to grow fifty years ago.

The future for porn? The same but different.

Re: the future

Post by Megatron »

What about virtual reality and other new media?
Marty McFly

Re: the future

Post by Marty McFly »

I've just come back from the future in my DeLorean and this is what I've discovered - virtual reality cyber suits with special pressure pads you know where.

All you do is put the suit on, choose which famous celebrity you want to have sex and then directing the action via the power of telekinisis. I didn't try it out personally in case I turned into Lawnmower Man and killed everything on the planet.

Nah, not really. All I found in the future was a 172 year old Ben Dover making a vid called 'Back to the Crack: There's a Crack in My Back'.

No I'm lying again, the whole world was run by apes.

Oh I don't know!

(mods delete my rambling verbal plop plops)
Officer Dibble

Re: the future

Post by Officer Dibble »

"As for porn's economic bubble bursting, I will have to disagree. The Internet is full of new businesses, the video market has a tremendous choice of titles and British productions have multiplied rapidly in the last few years."

You're correct about all the new Internet businesses, choice of tittles etc. There's only one problem - who's going to subscribe to these sites or buy these videos? As I pointed out earlier folks are not gagging for it nowadays. And as I have interests in the retail sector of this market this is something of which I am painfully aware.

"Whether you find it erotic or not is down to personal preference"

Goes without saying.

" and as for this elusive glamour quality, I'm afraid you will have to explain that one to me"

I fear the good Dr is a little confused here or simply misunderstood my remarks. What I meant is that if porn was suddenly to be perceived as being glamorous or 'cool' then that would attract quality players into the arena, cash would follow and standards would rise. This would attract more glamorous people who at the moment would not go near porn with a barge pole.

The image of Brit porn porn at the moment is that it is very downmarket, very seedy and those who are involved in it are a bit sad. Quality people just don't want to be associated with those negative things. When the Mitchell brothers produced "Behind the Green Door" in the 70's they were hailed as artists, by the 'counter culture? - the popular culture of the time. They and their star 'Marylyn Chambers became celebs. All the 'happening' glamorous people wanted to know them because by doing so it would enhance their own kudos by hanging out with artists of 'lurv' who the establishment of the time were foaming at the mouth about. They were in demand on talk shows and for quality magazine interviews. Bit like Robbie Williams today.

Point is, although porn was still on the periphery of the acceptable it had acquired glamour because happening, fashionable people were involved in it - this attracted other beautiful, fashionable happening people and inevitably cash. This can't happen today as porn is seen as being naff at best. Unfortunately, some of the people involved in it are unwittingly helping to make it naffer.

Dr. Emmet Brown

Re: the future

Post by Dr. Emmet Brown »

'who's going to subscribe to these sites or buy these videos?'

Thanks to the net, it's a global marketplace, there are hundreds of millions of consumers online. The reason a lot of people aren't gagging for all of the porn titles on offer is that so many producers have copied each others style and taken the cheap route. Where are the production values?

Not that throwing money at the problem would help, as the makers of the videos would continue to produce the same old low budget, formulaic nonsense and pocket the extra dosh for themselves.

If producers cannot inject cash into their productions, then how about a little imagination or flair?

As for porn being fashionable, how many documentaries and talk shows about the UK sex trade have been on our screens in the last 5 years? Sex shops are now bright happy places, the number of Soho clip joints has declined and well heeled men and women talk openly about having visited lap dancing clubs. I have never seen porn more acceptable by the public.

But just as with everything in life, you either progress and move on or you stay where you and inevitably go the way of the dinosaur.
Charles Darwin

Re: the future

Post by Charles Darwin »

Just a point....the dinosaurs were around for 250 million years, and were rendered extinct only by an asteroidal impact that would dwarf Dubya's wildest dreams.
Homo sapiens has managed about 5 00 years of so-called civilisation.........
T.rex 10: 1.....
Henry Ford

Re: the future

Post by Henry Ford »

The future, like History, is bunk.
And any colour as long as it's black......

Re: the future

Post by H G WELLS »

Interactive the red button on your remote & join in......may be? Hmmmmm may be not......!!

May be the porn market might flooded by porn from countries you never considerd before....The Far East..."Wong Hung Loo rides again"!! South Americia.........Brazilian beauties!!

The porn market is already more saturated than a bag of soggy chips! The top shelf of the local newsagent cram full of mags...
"Teenies...Readers Wives....etc!! Maybe it needs thinning abit!!

The future: Vids & DVD's that do "What it say's on the tin" (hope there's no copy right on that ops!) If say's it's got your favorite model in it, can we have more than 5 mins worth please?

For people to stop selling vids that they claim to be "hardcore" & are about as hard core as a pebble driveway!

Damm good quailty porn that pleases everybody....whatever their taste.

The future's bright...the future is blue. (OK I know it's cheating!!)
Dave Wells

Re: the future

Post by Dave Wells »

Well you sit down and plug yourself into your computer take your viagra and halucinatory pill jump into your virtual world headset and fuck anyone you want in your own porn film. Thus all us producers and photographers are made very redundent. Great stuff technology ain't it.