Question for the British Girls in Adult films
Question for the British Girls in Adult films
who visit this site. I am fascinated on how a girl decides what she will agree to allow to be photographed or filmed. All girls who usually start as an amateur model for a friend or boyfriend photgrapher- a few may be chatted up in public and persuaded to pose. There are also girls who will never allow themsleves to be photographed but will sign up to an escort agency or work independently having sex with paying strangers. The money obviously helps, but there is something else I feel that determines, once a girl has had sex and enjoys it, whether it will be shared with a special person in a one to one relationship, or else she enjoys the thrill of meeting once a perfect stranger. Let me add that thank goodness all girls are different and totally fascinating as a result. Lap dancing is another choice, the money is good and there is stiff competition now compared to four years ago- its almost become respectable. Is it a break from the boredom of a nine to five office job, a chance to break out of a poverty rut, or what. Family circumstances and reaction must also play a part. Any other BGAFD Forum punters wonder the same?
Re: Question for the British Girls in Adult films
I think some girls decide from an early age that they want to be a model. Todays fad for instant stardom will proberly make more girls feel that way. Yes some girls have achived fame by being spotted by a photographer/director.
Why girls get into the adult industry? Many of the things you said are behind their decision.
If you were a girl & you have good looks, a body you would be proud to show off in public what would you do? I see plenty of girls everyday just walking down the high street who could if the wish do modeling, but they have choosen not too.
How they take that big step to doing porno films! Only by talking to a girl in the industry, or one writing to this forum would really get the answer.
Most of the girls who write to the forum seem to enjoy their work 100%. OK the may moan about things like the travel, but they really enjoy it. Does it beat the 9-5 tread mill that they might be on if the had choose not too,maybe!
I wonder how may girls have told their families that they do porn! We still seem to live in an age where porn is taboo!
I've often wondered what makes a woman have sex for money, (some would say for things like drugs)but maybe the hope to make enough money to ease out of life early & go & live a life that they want to live.
Good luck to them, if they enjoy it do it.
Why girls get into the adult industry? Many of the things you said are behind their decision.
If you were a girl & you have good looks, a body you would be proud to show off in public what would you do? I see plenty of girls everyday just walking down the high street who could if the wish do modeling, but they have choosen not too.
How they take that big step to doing porno films! Only by talking to a girl in the industry, or one writing to this forum would really get the answer.
Most of the girls who write to the forum seem to enjoy their work 100%. OK the may moan about things like the travel, but they really enjoy it. Does it beat the 9-5 tread mill that they might be on if the had choose not too,maybe!
I wonder how may girls have told their families that they do porn! We still seem to live in an age where porn is taboo!
I've often wondered what makes a woman have sex for money, (some would say for things like drugs)but maybe the hope to make enough money to ease out of life early & go & live a life that they want to live.
Good luck to them, if they enjoy it do it.
Re: Question for the British Girls in Adult films
I saw a rather plain looking lap dancer on tv the other day and she earns four times as much as I do. I think I should change my job (again) but my figure is not what it used to be and I cant gyrate in a provocative fashion due to lower back pain.