teresa may pictures and video clips here

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Officer Dibble

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by Officer Dibble »

Differ if you will sir. The fact remains that having the tasty Teresa in one of those productions fair guarantees bumper sales, fakery or not.

Officer Dibble.

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by jj »

...thereby once more proving Barnum's dictum.

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by jj »

Nah, only lady rats get me going.
Whaddya, fink I am, a woofter or summink?
Officer Dibble

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by Officer Dibble »

O f course I have heard of the working class religious bigot, they share many of the traits of working class racial bigots - uninformed, not overly bright and keen to curry favour with their peer group. I didn't mention them because they're idiots; they are not going to change the world on their own. However, they are dangerous when their power is harnessed by middleclass intellectuals - such as Lenin or Lord Mosley.

As for the upper classes, well, I don't worry about them they seem far to self absorbed having a good time (and I can applaud that) to worry about passing repressive laws and nicking our dosh to give to incompetent fuckers, in far off lands and of whom we know little.


Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by Spook »

"middleclass intellectuals - such as Lenin or Lord Mosley."

Lord Mosley was middle class???? - think about it, the clue's in the name.

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by magoo »

Woah! Hang on a minute Dibble. You wrote inter alia: "the socialists are in power now!".

Tony Blair is definately NOT a socialist in fact he is basicly a clone of Mrs Thatcher and has copied a lot of her ideas. The Liberal Democrats are now the left wing party because New Labour have drifted so far to the right that they make the Conservatives seem like communists.

When I see old footage of Thatcher it occurs to me that she looks stark raving mad. How come we didnt notice she was crazy at the time?

You also say you admired how she wouldnt allow any other country to fuck with us. Yes she took a strong line on such matters and would not compromise on terrorism either as demonstrated by the killing of the terrorists in the Iranian Embassy and the IRA men and women who were gunned down in Gibralter (they were unarmed btw but the SAS had orders that they were to be killed rather than go through the tedious process of prosecuting them ie Thatcher was judge, jury and executioner). My cousin was in the Falklands and apart from coming home with trench foot he reckoned the locals down there were a bunch of mutants who didnt like the British much, at times he must have wondered whether it was worth the deaths of his fellow servicemen just for a bunch of inbred gits who hate us anyway. And dont get me started on the sinking of the Belgrano which was another order direct from thatcher and against international law. Yep she was a lovely woman.

Oh and loads of small businesses went to the wall as a result of her. It wasnt just heavy industry that she fucked.

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by magoo »

When Mosley and his blackshirt chums came to Tyneside to preach to the masses the guys from the shipyards went down to boo and heckle and got beaten up by the police who obviously agreed with Mosely. Members of my grandmothers family got battered by the police for daring to oppose facism.

Officer Dibble must have been the copper who stood outside Downing Street in the 80's. Maybe he got invited in by Thatch for a cup of Horlicks after Dennis had passed out due to gin abuse. Or perhaps he was one of the officers Maggie sent in to truncheon the miners when they had the audacity to go on strike.

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by magoo »

JJ some of us are trying to have a serious discussion here!

But if you prefer to amuse Steve56 with your TV rodent impressions then carry on.

Now what were me and Dibble talking about again? Not Teresa May thats for sure!

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by Lizard »

Teresa May starts WW3, and rodent wars, unbelievable! she,s got a lot to answer for...anyway anybody see the vids? any good,I cant be bothered downloading them, still in 56k land

Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Post by mart »

"Socialists are in power now"....what country are you talking about?
An anagram of "Tony Blair MP" is "I'm Tory Plan B".
