How could anyone possibly disagree with this discourse in pure logic.
"launch into their cause with a dogged and committed single-mindedness that only the middle classes seem to be able to muster." - absolutely right, the lower and upper classes have no capacity for doggedness or single-mindedness.
"Don't you think middleclass tossers of the past laid claim to the absolute truth in their time? Slavery, The Inquisition, the burning of 'witches' was all justified with the same fervour and certainty of the present day Guardian reading, hand wringing public sector loving tosser" - correct again, whoever heard of a working class religious bigot or the upper classes approving of slavery - middle classes, bastards the lot of them.
Dibble - you can do better than this. Any attempt to denigrate an amorphous and diverse social group in your simplistic terms is bigoted at best.
teresa may pictures and video clips here
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
Having seen her execrable thespian-lesbian fakery in some of your own productions, I must beg to differ.
But what can you expect from a man who is still living in the late Neolithic?
But what can you expect from a man who is still living in the late Neolithic?
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
Oiiii !!!
Have some bleedin' respect !!
Squeak !
Have some bleedin' respect !!
Squeak !
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
'S' they still eat pate de fois gras and go 'huntin' wiv that Madonna sort.
Good job us rodents is unpalatable and got scraggy coats.....
.....all we got ter worry abaht is gettin' carted off for some 'orrible vivi...visi...bein' cut up for Science.
Good job us rodents is unpalatable and got scraggy coats.....
.....all we got ter worry abaht is gettin' carted off for some 'orrible vivi...visi...bein' cut up for Science.
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
...I know some Onions who are very clear on this point. 'Ow would yew like being battered and boiled in oil at 300 degrees?
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
the last 3 posts have made my day today brilliant glad someones got a sense of humour in this world
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
Oiii !!!
I get the bleedin' laughs round 'ere....
Yeeeaaaahhhhhh !!!!!!
I get the bleedin' laughs round 'ere....
Yeeeaaaahhhhhh !!!!!!
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
iforgot about you recall sam fox on your show did you get excited?
Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here
" Animal rights activists include some nasty radicals who are violent morons who dress in combat clothing etc. I have no time for them as they are often very similar to fascists in their beliefs and are often fairly stupid people who will jump on any bandwagon in order to indulge in "subversive" activities such as the anti capitalist demos etc. I doubt many of them even understand the issues involved but its a good excuse to throw bricks through McDonalds windows and wallop a few coppers (the latter being a perfectly acceptable hobby in my book:.))."
Have to agree with all that.
As for the far right they seem as nutty and irrational as any rabid socialist. I don't usually mention them because I don't see them as a credible threat. However, the socialists are in power now! What makes then dangerous is that they are FASHIONABLE with intellectuals and the young. When you're young it's easy and fun to say you believe in the opposite of your parents, it's easy and fun to take and spend other people's money, particularly when you don't have much money and property of your own. It's easy to give away other people's rights on a whim, especially when you've got more important matters to deal with - like going clubbing, having a laugh and hangin out with your mates. But ten years later when you start to grow up, buy your first house and finally get a decent motor you realise you have an interest and stake in society. You have property to protect. Then when some hand wringing politician comes along and suggests that you hand over some of what you've have busted your gut to get to finance all sorts of nutty and thoroughly undeserving causes and maybe even pay for your own repression, whether you like it or not, you begin to think - Hold on a minute, this is all bollocks!
Yes, being fashionable makes it far more dangerous - people will say they dig it just to be seen as being cool- and thus one needs to bring one's biggest guns to bear on it. But I can't stand any cunts that tell me what I can and can't do, be they left or right. You seem to think I have some sympathy for the Conservatives. I guess because I pointed out that Maggie Thatcher would be remembered as a great Premier who brought about huge social and political change. Yes, I admired Maggie, but that doesn?t automatically mean I dig conservative doctrine - quite the opposite, most of it gets right up my nose! Particularly all that ?Back to Basics? and ?Family Values? bollocks! I was one of the first to vote for Tony Blair because I was fed up of all that Tory bullshit. I just liked the bits about free markets, making lots of dough, having a groovy time and kicking the asses of anyone who fucks with us in the world. I even dig bits of socialist doctrine like funding the BBC - if it was left to the market they would have to cancel all arts, current affairs and drama and just make moronic quiz shows, blind date shows, and search for a Lairy Poptart shows. There are things that we all need to chip in to.
Anyhow, I?d forgotten all about the issue of leather. But I agree that there?s nothing better than tucking into a juicy T-Bone. Particularly if it?s in front t of a band of pretentious middle class ?veggies?. Don? those fuckers get right up your nose? Hey, have you noticed how, to a woman, they are all middleclass? The proles have appalling eating habits ? Pot Noodles, McDonald?s-McChicken-Tandoori-Topped-Pizza-Burgers and chip butties with mushy green peas and bright red ketchup on! But at least they?re not pretentious twats - they eat what they like to eat and don?t give a fuck.
Officer Dibble.
Have to agree with all that.
As for the far right they seem as nutty and irrational as any rabid socialist. I don't usually mention them because I don't see them as a credible threat. However, the socialists are in power now! What makes then dangerous is that they are FASHIONABLE with intellectuals and the young. When you're young it's easy and fun to say you believe in the opposite of your parents, it's easy and fun to take and spend other people's money, particularly when you don't have much money and property of your own. It's easy to give away other people's rights on a whim, especially when you've got more important matters to deal with - like going clubbing, having a laugh and hangin out with your mates. But ten years later when you start to grow up, buy your first house and finally get a decent motor you realise you have an interest and stake in society. You have property to protect. Then when some hand wringing politician comes along and suggests that you hand over some of what you've have busted your gut to get to finance all sorts of nutty and thoroughly undeserving causes and maybe even pay for your own repression, whether you like it or not, you begin to think - Hold on a minute, this is all bollocks!
Yes, being fashionable makes it far more dangerous - people will say they dig it just to be seen as being cool- and thus one needs to bring one's biggest guns to bear on it. But I can't stand any cunts that tell me what I can and can't do, be they left or right. You seem to think I have some sympathy for the Conservatives. I guess because I pointed out that Maggie Thatcher would be remembered as a great Premier who brought about huge social and political change. Yes, I admired Maggie, but that doesn?t automatically mean I dig conservative doctrine - quite the opposite, most of it gets right up my nose! Particularly all that ?Back to Basics? and ?Family Values? bollocks! I was one of the first to vote for Tony Blair because I was fed up of all that Tory bullshit. I just liked the bits about free markets, making lots of dough, having a groovy time and kicking the asses of anyone who fucks with us in the world. I even dig bits of socialist doctrine like funding the BBC - if it was left to the market they would have to cancel all arts, current affairs and drama and just make moronic quiz shows, blind date shows, and search for a Lairy Poptart shows. There are things that we all need to chip in to.
Anyhow, I?d forgotten all about the issue of leather. But I agree that there?s nothing better than tucking into a juicy T-Bone. Particularly if it?s in front t of a band of pretentious middle class ?veggies?. Don? those fuckers get right up your nose? Hey, have you noticed how, to a woman, they are all middleclass? The proles have appalling eating habits ? Pot Noodles, McDonald?s-McChicken-Tandoori-Topped-Pizza-Burgers and chip butties with mushy green peas and bright red ketchup on! But at least they?re not pretentious twats - they eat what they like to eat and don?t give a fuck.
Officer Dibble.