O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by RockCharogne »

If the link works - what does anybody think of this:

I'd sooner not think about it - there's sexism for you

joe king

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by joe king »

it's a fantasy some men have - why is it promoted in violent terms 'ASSault'?

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by WinkWink »


Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by magoo »

Ive seen a couple of mainstream porn films on European TV where Tom Byron gets it up his crapper from girls wearing strap ons. I cant remember who the girls were but they were quite big names.

Interesting that us men expect all female stars to get botted but we are terrified at the idea of being on the receiving end i.e. being the bottee rather than the botter(bottor?).

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by SimonS »

Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it!!

Mind you, when it's girl/girl it's a different matter :)


Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by Shaun? »

I'd like to see Rocco on the receiving end of a strap-on, let the girls do to him what he does to them.
mike johnson

O/T Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by mike johnson »

Ol' Tom has done this trick so many times I am beginning to think he likes it.
In an early "More Dirty Debutantes", Ed makes a deal w/ an actress (Heather Lere??)that he can anal her if she can him w/ a strap-on. Rather grotty to say the least,definite FF material.

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by RockCharogne »

I think magoo rather summed up my view - I guess in principle we always see the female talent as the natural penetratee - using any suitable orifice - but the idea that the male should fill such a role is quite improper!!! OTOH our gay friends would presumably have a different view!!

michael barrymore

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by michael barrymore »

Indeed our point of view is different. Anyone fancy a dip in my swimming pool?

Re: O/T But the thought makes my eyes water

Post by Shaun? »

A mate of mine likes private swimming pools, his name is Magoo but he has a habit of sinking needs his holes sealing :?))