New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by RougeBlush »


I regularly see complaints or comments on here regarding issues with existing model recruitment sites such as purestorm. It appears to me that while there is nothing in particular wrong with those sites, what is missing, perhaps, is a site dedicated entirely to the recruitment of performers for adult video and photographic work. Again using purestorm as an example, all adult work is collected under a single category: models either are, or are not, available for adult assignments. Everyone on this forum is aware though that "adult" covers all sorts of different content and that different performers have VERY different ideas of what is and is not OK.

I'm thinking of building just such a site but before I do I figure it best to do a little market research and this is probably one of the best places to start, so my question is: if just such a site were available then would you (the performers and producers) use it or would you think "I'm already a member of and it may not be perfect but it's good enough so why bother?"

Thanks for your time.

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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by Peter »

I'd use any site that had real models who knew what they were getting into, weren't dreamers and/or had unrealistic expectations, and actually bothered to reply when you offered them work, and a site that removed any non-repliers/no showers quickly, otherwise you just become another listing site who treat problems as "nowt to do with us"
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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by mrbaytor »

Hi Andy

I use AIR
It is an excellent site and seems to cover all the aspects regarding adult work that you have mentioned.
Best wishes

holly xx
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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by holly xx »

hi yes i would use the site ,just found out today that i have been suspended of purestorm dont even no why as i have never mentioned b/g
work on there ,i am 100% serious about modeling and alway reply to my emails

merry christmas to all
The Toybox
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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by The Toybox »

AIR is doing a good job of listing adult performers together with their levels in great detail.

GlamourFinder has a lot of adult level models (including a lot of mature ones).

Be-Seen-Here is OK too but lacks search functions so you have to trawl through every model in a region.

Any of those sites could weed out some non-replying models by automatically deleting models who didn't make a small update say every 60 days.

But you can't weed out flakiness. One so-called model who advertised here about her return to bg work and was booked almost a month ago just informed me today, after being repeatedly reminded about confirming, that she can't make the session tomorrow because she's "working", whatever that means :-)

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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by TT4u2e »

Holly - most of us have been banned by Purestorm - they are puritanical numties!!!!

Roug Blush - good idea, i'd use any site that would sort out the "wheat from the chaff".

Toybox - go on tell us WHO has "flaked out" on you................
paul jones
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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by paul jones »

Speaking as the AIR guy...

The system displays are "most recently updated first". A number of models take care to update every few weeks, so I guess they find it pays. If you contact a girl who last updated last Spring, and isn't a name, she's probably quit. (If models tell me they've quit, I delete them as well. I removed a girl today for that reason).

I have deleted models because of credible comments from people I trust. There are some who I have been conflicting info about, I err on being generous to models. Others, well the comments can be useful.

Non replies. A lot of this is "poorly written requests" and a big issue is spam traps. Models, esp with Hotmail, AOL and Live may simply have never seen your post. Or if you are with those services, you might not have been given their response.

Also - HAVE YOU GOT A PROPERLY COMPLETED PROFILE? Models who get mail through AIR can see who sent it. If they go and see a blank profile, how are they supposed to take you seriously? (I remove models who let their profiles go blank, but am more relaxed about togs. But if there is no evidence that you are real, why should you get a reply?)

Could I do more? Yes. I could flag that girls have been emailed and last response time and private comment about reliability etc. But that takes too much time for a free site.

If enough togs offer enough money, I'll do it. Email me direct and indicate if you want to pay a fiver or a tenner a month. If I get offers worth 500pm, I'll do it. You'll get the hidden info, and you'll be identified as a sponsor - helping show the models you are serious.

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I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if will be an outlet :-)
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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Post by Cenobitez »

Such a site wouldnt be viable.

The investment in building an automated system like purestorm, obtaining payment and removing wasters would mean your like a snow shoe. HUGE imprint but not much up top.

I have UK Developers who could knock me something like Purestorm up for about 5k with a lot more features, the problem is with 20-50 girls once I have killed the wasters and removed deaders, no one would pay the ?XX monthly tag I'd need to recover my costs.

The reason pure storm works is because its loaded with chancers, deaders and wasters and a small amount of these turn into the real deal, but you look at the site and 2949038290 profiles and 2948 match your spec so you pay ya cash and run the gauntlet.

You 'could' cobble something up out of cheaper bits and write some bits for about ?800 but it wouldnt be as slick as purestorm/onemodelplace/netmodels because it would be cobbled.

If you was a decent coder you could make something very effective with joomla or drupal, but as a decent coder you would just write your own rather than hack the shit out a CMS.

Some cobbles work well, like be-seen-here but you KNOW its a ball ache because its written by 3-5 different coders, which affects the uniformity.

There us no support in the UK for a system like this, would have to be a global thing and then your talking major cash.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?