Public Sex

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Public Sex

Post by WinkWink »

Quote's from today's Daily Telegraph

"Sexual activity in a "dwelling" would be exempt - even if it could be witness through open curtains - whereas a couple engaging in sex in their own garden which could be seen from the road would be gilty of offence".

Does that mean you can have sex in the back garden even if your next door neighbour can see you from a upstairs window? Confused??

"The Bill exempts from it's definition of public sexual activity touching through other people's clothes. This is to avoid criminalising teenagers who get over-familiar on the dance floor - or someone innocently, if inappropriately, scratching themselves" So you need not worry about scratching your groin in public for fear of been arrested.

It would not be an offence where "a person's knee might touch another person's crotch while they are simply embracing fully clothed" Huh!!

Quote from Hilary Benn. "No one want's to be an unwitting spectator to other people having sex in a public place. At the same time it's not intended to catch acttivity which takes place in private, which is no business of anybody"

Maybe shade's of Big Brother is watching you. George Orwell's book 1984, where I think sex had been banned?
Phil McC

Re: Public Sex

Post by Phil McC »

So when I shoot in the truck I can leave the windows etc open and everyone can just turn up and watch for free,,,,so whats new.

Phil McC
Bill Malone

Re: Public Sex

Post by Bill Malone »

Quote from Hilary Benn. "No one want's to be an unwitting spectator to other people having sex in a public place..."

Um. Yes, they do. I do. I know lots of others who'd happily watch if they stumbled across people shagging in a park, on the beach, in a pool etc. One MP does not make up the mind of an entire nation, love. If I have to become an MP and prove it, I will.