O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by watters »

I notice that couples who have sex outdoors face jail under the new laws. Just as well its too cold in the U.K. anyway.

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by steve56 »

think they call it al fresco?it can be very uncomfortable


Post by John »

There isn't a chance of a custodial for first time burglary cos prisons are overcrowded - so they now plan to imprison consenting adults?



Post by steve56 »

its all hyprocrasy thats why!

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by Lizard »

Jessie,s! there,s nothing like a knee trembler on a frozen lake in mid January, with the dead pine needles stickin in yer knees
and stalactites hanging from your balls, and yer hands so cold you cant open them. eeeeeh, happy days, where,s me husky....sabre.....sabre, here boy!

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by JON (WORRIED!) »

Any1 got a link for these new laws?

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by WinkWink »

Oh well no one will be able to score from the penalty spot at their favorite football ground now or cum first at the winning post of their local racecourse or have a touch down on their local rugger pitch. Still means no more uncomfortable nights on Brighton beach, damm them pebbles are rough on the ole bottom!!, mind you sand is worse get's in between your toes!! Was so looking forward to joining the mile high club on the London Eye too shame!!

Hell they have taken all the excitement of outdoor sex away!!!!

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by Kryten »

Actually, if you look on the BBC news website, the article says you'll only get arrested if you are shagging outside, and offend someone. So if you are in the middle of a field, going hell for leather, and no one gets offended, thats OK.
Twas on the Beeb earlier today, maybe a search will turn up the news item, however i can't be arsed.


Re: O/T - New U.K. Sex Laws<link>

Post by Kryten »

Sorry,obviously was arsed :o)
