Adult industry Xmas party

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Adult industry Xmas party

Post by ukap1 »

Following the success of the summer party in August for producers and models a Christmas party has now been announced, please go here for details:

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by traceylain »

We think everyone had a great time at the last party,and have already sold some tickets for this christmas one.Please check out the UKAP site for details or mail
There are likely to be a lot of the bigger producers at the party,as there is a very important meeting about online certs in the afternoon.
This is an industry party,but we are also hoping to have a public event in the new year too.
Tracey's Blog
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Loz »

gutted cant make that date its my big sis 30th birthday and having grease themed party for her. will be thinking of you all though

Loz xx

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Annap »

what a shame i cant make that date neither

Anna P
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Gaslight »

Just out of interest, which girlies are going?...

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Pho3nix »

Me! Just bought tickets this morning!!



I have the uncanny ability to be born again from ashes, destroy me and i will be back, burn me: I was born of fire ....
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by traceylain »

Well of course,i will be there again,and we will put a list of girls attending on the UKAP site when it gets a bit closer to the date.I do know there are some giurls who did not go to the last one.
Tracey's Blog
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by ChampagneTease »

We'd love to come along again please and will try and persuade the sexy Miss Vicky and her stud Peach if they're available....
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by ChampagneTease »

Ooops stupid pc logged me in under my website login - last post from kaz B
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by bigAl »

With so many friends and customers in attendance perhaps it's time for me to put in an appearance at one of these events!
