The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Darren L Morgan
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Post by Darren L Morgan »

Guys........I log onto the UK adult producers site from time to time, I cant get on there as my password no longer works?? obviously now im not in the UK im not a UK producer, plus i dont agree with paying a subscription to talk privately about the UK porn industry. I believe It should be out in the open, forget the Freemasons approach. The BGAFD is a very informative and sometimes extreamly amusing way for me to find out whats going on over there.
There is an interesting post on the O/T forum regarding the downturn in UK porn, this guy really has a point. People will always want to see porn, even if there is a "Credit Crunch"! The problem with UK porn, apart from all the producers arguing all he time, is that the punter believes he is not getting value for money, he will not get what it says on the tin...
I was blessed, be it honored, to attend the early meetings with the UKAP when i thought this was a great idea, all producers pulling together to create one "UK Porn Familly" all helping each other and passing on vital information....what happened to that? OK Bluebird have come along with their size 10's (Armani of course)and tried to stamp everyone out, but they are not the problem. UK producers are still going their own merry way and bugger everyone else. The UKAP awards have become a laughing stock and only those with deep pockets may apply..."lets do awards for best DVD...even though its not been released!" Lets not care what the punter thinks, "let all the producers vote, im sure they will not be biased!"
The UK porn industry has no right to have a secret society as they have not proved anything, me included, we are so far behind its scary, we are mocked, we are dismissed as a joke..surely we need to prove ourselves before we give it the "Big I Am"
I have been honored...and i mean honored, to be on sets with the likes of Wicked, Vivid, DVSX etc in the states and believe me, its a whole new world, yes they are mainly out for themselves but they dont hide that or deny it, why should they, they have proved themselves, they are the creme of the Porn industry, is there a secret US porn society??? definately not! Yes there is bickering and slaggings off within the ranks, makes for good reading, but its acceptable when you are successful and you are giving the punter what he wants.
I guess my point slag of the likes of Bluebird..and i do too when its deserved, but you are all the same, Bluebird get it out there for all to see, everyone has a chance to respond and you have to admire them for that. They do not hide behind a secret forum, they are answerable to all who care to answer, which includes the people you are trying to sell your product to. Give people the right to respond and the opprortunity and we all may learn something.

I'll get my coat!
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Post by jimslip »

Hi Darren

I was one of the instigators of UKAP. The idea came about at Erotic in Nov 2005. The original concept really was for everyone to get together every so often, get pissed and swap info.

This great concept was hijacked however, by certain people that felt UKAP, had to be formalised, ie minutes taken, venues paid for (When we could have met in a pub). D'olys for our glasses and all getting a biro and a little pads to write on. I used to draw big tits on mine!

Basically, we are all nutters in this business and trying to run UKAP like a "Proper" organisation, was the equivalent of Robert Mugabe, Hitler and Gary Glitter trying to bring peace to the Palestinians and Israelis.

I don't think UKAP has ever discussed anything so important that it needed to be a "Secret". I think taking minutes on whether we should have Rich Tea biscuits or Hobnobs with our coffee, certainly wouldn't have put us on the tapping list of M15.

I believe that now UKAP is finally going back to it's roots so with any luck the main agenda will return to "Let's all get a curry and get pissed"

As it should have always been!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
Darren L Morgan
Posts: 109
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Post by Darren L Morgan »

and all who second that say "Aye" Aye lad aye.....the motion is passed....Hob Nobs it is..cos they are the Marines of biscuits! hard as fuck! you can dip them at least 5 - 6 times, rich tea are whimps, once in the brew and they become a soggy mess
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Post by planeterotica »

I was at the Hilton in 2005 when the UKAP concept was discussed and it did seem a good idea at the time, but since then it went all secret society i dont know why mabe a few people thought they could control the British porn industry, obviousley this hasnt happened and never will and i agree with Jim its better that people enjoy a few drinks and exchange ideas and views rather than meet behind closed doors, but to be honest there is nothing wrong with the industry you have some gorgeous girls now doing porn and some great producers shooting porn, the problems lay with the British goverment and their strict laws on the distribution of porn and i doubt if any secret meetings will ever alter that ,it will happen if and when society is ready for it as it always has done in the UK but things will change as they always do !wink!

kiNky erOtica
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Post by kiNky erOtica »

I was at the very 1st meeting of UKAP (Being held at Doll Theatre, I was invited by George as I did alot for Doll Theatre). There were about 8 or 10 of us there.
But as I'm not a producer my PW was removed some years ago... But I as i'm just a tog, thats fair deal.


kiNky erOtica

Ex London Photographer
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

Fellas. Really . Please.

mr Slip sir you have attended a fair few meetings and are quite right in saying there was nothing secret about our meetings whatsoever.

Certain things diuscussed should be between producers of whom ceretain things are of interest which was why the password protected forum was thought up:

So that we can all discuss things without being hijacked by Hobbits and Trolls

We've certainly had some moments that were definitely not for public consumption.

As for Blue Bird being transparent, laying it all out there for all to see. Are they really??? I'm not convinced about that and its certainly not my place to discuss it here either.

The only gripe i would have against Blue Bird was the obvious one about the awards. Thanks to Blue Bird they showed it up for the sham that it was and taught us that it meant nothing if you can win awards for product that is not available or even discussed by anyone here to date. By that reckoning, I think it has done more harm than good for the image of the event as a lot of people were disappointed by what hapened last year and not all of it aimed at Blue Bird either.

To say for the final time that the awards had nothing to do with uKAP from the beginning. The bloke that started it up masqueraded as a producer and never kept anyone in the loop about anything. So how is it that UKAP come up for scrutiny because of it.

UKAP are as much in the dark about the awards as the public was sitting at those dinner tables that night.

I'm in favour of the producers password protected bit remaining exactly how it is as that is the only way we can seriously discuss things among ourselves without interference from the rest of the industry.

if any non member has a gripe about the industry we do have a general forum there as well and wil answer it if it is a legitimate and sensible question.

The decline of porn has been discussed so many times before that it is one of those bi annual events around here. if producers dont answer it this time its because its been answered before. All the poster has to do is search for the topic and find he has similar answers.

If UKAP is to have any major impact it would need to have every single producer on board but because it doesnt, getting them to join is like pulling teeth as everyone has their own agenda despite the fact we all face similar issues and we all know what they are dont we?

Its the usual age old problems of health issues, distribution deals and general making money.

I have had my bitchin and whines with UKAP yes but generally I know that discussing and getting things done as a committee was never going to be a straightforward thing.

As for the minutes. I think they are important as they are a document of what has happened at each meeting and what was discussed laid out for all and new members to see. If we didnt have them people would be wondering what we ever met up for? i think it has to be more than a piss up otherwise it wouldnt justify it for those travelling from abroad and up north.

At least UKAP is making an effort to bring some unity to an industry that was fragmented (and indeed still is unless everyone becomes part of it)

Darren, just because you now live abroad doesnt make you any less a UK producer. I have championed other ex pats joining, such as Paul Markham in Brnho and Viv Thomas over in Portugal but it is them that diont see the point of being part of it. Not us and certainly not you.

You are more than welcome to join if you are still producing. Unless UKAP vote to make you an honorary member but that is not up to me as all the members are subsidising the forum by paying subscriptions.

In fact any producer (amateur or professional) is welcome to join as long as they are still active and dont mind paying the subcription fee.

By the way, despite the long post i man not the boss of UKAP or any of itsd members contrary to what some people might think.
Charisma Gold
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Post by Charisma Gold »

Hi Darren,

I sended you an email yesterday but did not hear back from you, did you recieved my mail?

Kind regards

Charisma Gold

The hottest Dutch girl!!!
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Post by jimslip »

The problem with formalising an organisation like UKAP is it can be easily hijacked by a strong personality, a so called, "Big Cheese",who starts manipulating policy for purely his own ends and not for the benefit of everyone.

When UKAP is run as a piss up, these sort of people, become, can't gain power, because there is too much chaos. They only gain power, by having an orderly environment, in which they can bully and cajole others who are not as confident to say their piece.

I love and thrive in chaos!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
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Post by TheDonkeyWork »

I can't see the UK porn insustry ever getting it's act together simply because the current legislation keeps it stifled. It cannot thrive until the restirctions on distribution are lifted. Whilst ever the legislation rmeians in force as it currently is the UK Porn industry will only ever be a "cottage industry".

The question is, will the restrictions ever be lifted?

The answer? Probably not...

The Internet has destroyed many of the barriers to trade, i.e. you can publish your product direct to the web and circumvent the UK legislation but we're still so far behind the US and continetal Europe. The US and Europe have had it all their own way for a long, long time... I can't really see the UK industry challenging their domination - but if it does it will take mega money the likes of which only Bluebird seem to have access to at present... but Bluebird sadly don;t seem to have the savvy to get the viewing public on side.


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one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

If we conducted our affairs in public as Darren suggested in the same way as Hiwatt did recently then we should expect the same thing of threads desceneding into a big fat long drawn out nothing.

While I accept a bit of chaos. There has to be some semblance of order or nothing would get done...

Now youre going to say nothing ever does get done.

That is so frustrating because there is still so much to do.