Decline in Porn.

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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Decline in Porn.

Post by Spanner »

I am fed up of all the negative views on the lack of money in the porn industry. I agree we are moving into a recession but sex still sells. If people cannot afford to go out then they stay in and watch porn. If they can afford to go out then they buy DVD's and watch them at home. Each way the porn industry wins.

The UK market has always been bad as British people do not want to pay for porn. There is a lot of free porn on websites but this is just a taste of what you can access on pay per view sites. 30 USD per month is a stell compared to 60 USD per film or a doggy video off your mate you cannot see.

Instead of all the main players in the UK complaining about the lack of money, they should invest in changing Brits outlook on buying porn. Do what the US do and advertise the material. Suerly with all the reality shows on television people need something to watch at a cold lonely night???
