Database updated
Database updated
The database has just been update. Please take a look via 'history'. As usual any corrections/additions welcome.
Re: Database updated
Alas, the pictures you've put up of Layla~Jade it seems are now out of date, looking at the pics shes sent us of her fun & games in US.
Re: Database updated
Maybe worth pointing out that the Laura Ranger website has not been updated in over a year - and as she seems to be elsewhere at the moment unlikely to be.
Maybe worth pointing out that the Laura Ranger website has not been updated in over a year - and as she seems to be elsewhere at the moment unlikely to be.
Re: Database updated
This isn't linked to the update.
Probably should be filed under "tenuous" at best, but....
do "Chantel 3" and "Chantelle 2" have more in common than a
t-shirt ?
Probably should be filed under "tenuous" at best, but....
do "Chantel 3" and "Chantelle 2" have more in common than a
t-shirt ?
Re: Database updated
Thanks. I suspect it's just a case of using the wrong pic for Chantelle [2]. Will check when I can get at the relevant catalogue.
Had to remove your second suggestion. Sorry.
Had to remove your second suggestion. Sorry.