Adult Industry Party pics from us

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Paul Taylor
Posts: 2160
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Paul Taylor »

[img] ... BANNER.jpg[/img]

Hi Guys,
may I add my gallery of the Party from Friday night. I did post it in the other thread "Thanks everybody for UKAP Party" however I thought I would make it easier for people to have a direct post rather than look throught the other one and possibly miss it.

Any models in any of the pictures, please feel free to right click and save a copy for your myspace, face book pages or just as a reminder of a great night.

The pictures can be found here.


Paul Taylor
Producer/Cameraman/video editor/Male performer for 10 yrs
Member of UKAP
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Alysha Leigh
Posts: 55
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Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Alysha Leigh »

Thanks Paul .. was great to meet you on the night!!
I've added the pic of myself & the gorgeous Syren to my Facebook :-)
Hope to speak again soon :-) x
Paul Taylor
Posts: 2160
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Paul Taylor »

Yes it was very nice meeting and talking to you to, yes fell free to take whatever pictures you want. There was alot more taken, I may have the odd one of you if you would like me to send them too you as they may be some use. I will just have to dig them out first.

I am sure we will talk again hun, no doubt about it


Paul Taylor
Producer/Cameraman/video editor/Male performer for 10 yrs
Member of UKAP
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Andy Mann
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Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Andy Mann »

Great to meet you on Friday Paul, nice to see the pics too. Chat soon dude.

Andy Mann

Paul Taylor
Posts: 2160
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Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Paul Taylor »

Hi Andy thanks for that,
was great talking to you too mate, your a top bloke. Always good to meet like mind people who you can have a good old natter with, you know how to reach me if there's anything else you want to chat about, as we did both bring up some good points on the subject of work.

take care


Paul Taylor
Producer/Cameraman/video editor/Male performer for 10 yrs
Member of UKAP
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Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by SYREN »

Yea Fab pic of me and the amazing Alysha!!
Great 2 see u huni...spk soon xxmwahxx !wink!

Paul Taylor
Posts: 2160
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Adult Industry Party pics from us

Post by Paul Taylor »

great to see you too as always it was a great night


Paul Taylor
Producer/Cameraman/video editor/Male performer for 10 yrs
Member of UKAP
see our nerd content at :