Why, Alicia......why??

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Why, Alicia......why??

Post by Ace »

The lads in the Mess were drooling over a story in Sun today over a story of Alicia Duvall who is parading her latest conquest. I met Alicia and found her to be a really pleasant and level headed lady who knows what she wants, but why does she like to boast about her 'z-list' celebraty lovers?? I can understand if she bagged Beckham or some ponce like Russell Crowe, but apart from aged Mick Hucknall, there's NOT that much to brag about. Alicia.......PLEEEEASE don't become another Jordan, you have too much class and personality. If you feel the need to bed 'has-beens' or 'wannabees' keep it to yourself as its wearing very thin, and you'll lose the respect you have worked hard for.

Re: Why, Alicia......why??

Post by richierich »

Ace, where on earth did you get to meet Alicia Douvall, you lucky fella, you kept that one to your self, lol.
She was on the Girls Behaving Badly last week, don't think she needs those tits any bigger though, yeah hope she isn't another Jordan, but could be heading that way.


Post by rob »

hate to say it but that's a girl I couldn't care less of;just hope that Angel Long or Amy Ball doesn't read stuff like this and get the idea that
maybe a boob-job would be necessary for some kind of stardom.
(I'm starting to shudder here I sit writing this,imagening these horrors)

I love Britain,british culture and british girls;however your excessant obsession with big boobs is beyond me(although I will admit Sam Fox was mighty fine in her younger years)
I remember how Katie Price looked like before she became the person known as Jordan and you could cry an river of salty tears viewing the result..
Natural girls ought to be the norm;large or small frames are equally fine.

I blame your tabloids - papers like the Sun... - words fail to describe my emotions- maybe some of you have comments ?
Richard B


Post by Richard B »

I remember watching a programme where she went out topless, with her breasts painted red, to get photographed for the press.

Sadly the bastards didn't take her photo going in, but waited until she came out a bit pissed and with the red smeared. Ho, ho, ho, what fun for the dumpy ugly male/female tabloid picture editors who took their own inadequacies out on Alicia.

Britain's tabloid press is a cancer on our society - and one we must endure because freedom of the press is so important. Havingsaid that, I can't remember a time when I have more wanted to assault Fortress Wapping and give people like Richard Littlejohn and Trevor Kavanagh what for.

I'll count to ten now.


Post by jj »

I rhink their rabble-rousing, perversions of the truth and hypocrisy are rather greater concerns than shafting some