
The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Post by imagesxposed »

Any photographers, webmasters or anyone got some experience of model timewasters. Models who ask for a shoot, keep you thinking they really want the shoot then dont turn up when the day comes.
Let me know how you deal with.

Imagesxposed Group are a photographic events organiser. We arrange monthly glamour events out of Saracen House Studio every month.
Please take a look at www.imagesxposed.com for more details. The picture of Jessica is from our lastest event.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Timewasters

Post by Officer Dibble »

I have a little experience of this. They way I dealt with it was to say - T' fuck wiv' 'em! And then get out of that skanky market sector. Let those who remain mess each other about if they're daft enough (or sex crazed enough) to stand for it. Standing for it only perpetuates, normalizes, and entrenches it.

I would suggest moving to a slightly different market sector where the clear headed models might still harbour old fashioned values of professionalism, conscientiousness, honor and reliability.

Officer Dibble

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Re: Timewasters

Post by sandie »

Id look at your own values first alan and remember to treat people how u expect to be treated yourself.

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Re: Timewasters

Post by nakedbritain »

It is something you have to grin and bare in this industry. I have had models who want to model and get into the industry but I suppose when it comes to the big day, stripping off, they get cold feet about doing it. One only hopes that it will not be great a fianacial lose. Lots have been mentioned about this problem and how to solve it like charging the model a small fee b4 the shoot to make sure she turns up,etc, but there is no happy solution to it.

Let the Trumpet sound and the note to mount, they have said their preys and they stay for Death. (Henry V)
Paul Taylor
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Re: Timewasters

Post by Paul Taylor »

You may find me forum handy if you wish to make it known who these people are so you others don't fall in the same trap.


your welcome anytime


Paul Taylor
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Re: Timewasters

Post by sparky »

I am an amateur and arrange a shoot occasionally for fun with no intention to sell / publish photos or video.

Over the last few years I have contacted several models who posted on here seeking work and made a booking normally at fairly short notice to fit in with the models free dates.

At least twice late the day before I have had a text or email, never a phone call, cancelling with reasons like a family member suddenly admitted to hospital & working late so will be too tired.
Once the model turned up but then said they had to leave earlier than agreed for another shoot - but still expected the full fee.

Yes in all our lives things happen that can't be forseen but especially when the same model cancels again given a second chance I doubt the reasons are true.

In one case I know from the posts on here a model did another shoot on the day.
Yes as an amateur I can't pay top rate but if a model accepts a booking at a rate if they then get another offer at a better rate should they not honour the first booking?

I have not lost significantly financially but have wasted days booked off work out my holiday allowance.

I will never book a studio as the fee would be wasted if the model cancelled.

I am always interested to hear from models who are happy to work with amateurs in secluded outdoor locations to solo toys level and live near or can travel to North Oxfordshire / West Midlands / Warwickshire
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Re: Timewasters

Post by davey »

put her name up on model no-shows.com .it has happened to me too often.once i booked a really big name in the industry and she cancelled 2 hours before the shoot and i had a studio booked and later i found out she did another shoot that was paying more.if she would have told me i would of happily rearranged it.now i tell girls they have to phone me 2 hours before the shoot otherwise i will assume it is cancelled.that way i am not waiting around like a prize cunt for someone who has no intention of turning up

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Re: Timewasters

Post by Master_Gareth »

It also works the other way.......Producers ask for model details.....you send them....then you never hear anything again....not even a "No thanks you are not what we are looking for at the moment"

I have also had models no show so think there can be fault on both sides.


Female BDSM and Fetish model
erotic images
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Re: Timewasters

Post by erotic images »

its worse when a female you have booked turns out to be a post op transexual