New pics with new boobs

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by MelodyChase »

ahh you look fab honey


Andy Mann
Posts: 920
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Andy Mann »

Lovely pic loz! X
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by myson »

Phwoarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you look absolutely stunning Loz !love!.

There's no doubt about it, I reckon the "Black Mask" should work with you !thumbsup!.


I'll have to talk nicely to Stormchild69 and see what he says !grin!.

Don't forget, for a measly $12.95 a month - you get all these babes and more. Over 32 randy ladies for your pleasure and another 15 coming very soon. !drink!


Chris Rocks
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Chris Rocks »

Wow, looking fit as babe! x

Andy Mann
Posts: 920
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Andy Mann »

Sorry Loz did I say lovely? (sorry its a manc thing)..I meant to say Phwoooaarrrr sexy big boobies!! lol XXX
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Loz »

thanks for all the great comments.

Loz xxx

Posts: 77
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by centrestage »

have they still to settle or are they staying like that?
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Loz »

they are still settling been told takes upto a year for them to fully settle properly.

but hey im pleased with them and i have had lots of great comments so thats all that matters.

Loz xx

Posts: 977
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Masie »

Are you doing the may shoot at le chambra I want to meet your new boobs and don't think it will be as much fun without you. xx
Posts: 436
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Re: New pics with new boobs

Post by Loz »

hi masie i didnt know about it. send me deatils if you can hun my address is

Loz xx
