Dodger query

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Dodger query

Post by jj »

Fell off the bottom of the page into, do Dodger do only DVDs, or is their output available in Good Ole Neolithic VHS for us sesquicentenarians?

o/t Re: Dodger query

Post by buttsie »

When are you going to have that thesaurus surgically removed?

I know a couple of surgeons who do you a good deal
2 for 1 even


PS the reason I posted this rambling nonsense
Claire Green in lingerie should be sitting in your email curtesy of soon as my 56k modem is cranke up to full tilt
4 pics 600kb

Re: Dodger query

Post by Frank »

I think they only sell region 0 DVDs which as it happens will not play on my PC.

Dodger DVDs that will play on my PC can be bought at It does not say that they are dodger, but they are!

Re: o/t Re: Dodger query

Post by Lizard »

Can she come and sit in mine when she,s finished at jj,s, Iv,e got lots of room!

dodger answer JJ

Post by todge »

jj wrote:
> Fell off the bottom of the page into, do Dodger
> do only DVDs, or is their output available in Good Ole
> Neolithic VHS for us sesquicentenarians?

JJ, it's
Click on "go to dvd area" and close (!) the page that appears
ALL the info's there.But for those that can't be bothered.......
(don't mean you jj,btw)
They do only sell dvd's and payment is via paypal,so you'll need
to sign-up.
Prices are cheap as the site points out.
This may have something to do with the quality (which they're
honest about in the descriptions),and
the fact that there's obviously a visual bias in favour of all
things hoisery (ie. if there are cumshots,they're usually over
said appareil etc !)

Re: o/t Re: Dodger query

Post by jj »

No: she's mine. MINE, I tell 'ee......
And B is forgiven the nonsense for the above pics.

Re: dodger answer JJ

Post by jj »

Ta, todge.
Cheap or no, they've lost a potential customer. Despite my love of lingerie, I loathe DVD more.

Re: o/t Re: Dodger query

Post by buttsie »

Certainly Liz....all shes asks is that you respect her 37-24-36 body and don't slobber and drool like JJ just did

The 56ker modem is fully operational....on her way


Re: dodger answer JJ

Post by Frank »

Why not play the DVD into a VCR recorder and create a video?

Re: dodger answer JJ

Post by dodger »

gotta remember guys my fetish is nylon and pantyhose, obv girls do bondage an facial muckshots for other people casue that is what they want when they shoot them, we all have our own tastes and yes to answer original query i can supply on tape but nowaday prefer not to simple a sthat as hassle to do tape defeats object one dvd mastering has been done