Real Scrubbers not the model type
Real Scrubbers not the model type
Hi,Real prostitute video for sale ?13.00 delivery included.
Re: Real Scrubbers not the model type
You or someone like you, tried this scam before. No doubt the moderators could dig it up. If indeed they could be bothered - which I doubt.
Try an ad with DS
Try an ad with DS
Re: Real Scrubbers not the model type
So what is the scam,do you want someone from the message board to verify my video,he just received it today?
Re: Real Scrubbers not the model type
If you frequent prostitutes why not post on Punter Net and leave the BGAFD to those interested in porn and not ponces
Re: Real Scrubbers not the model type
So what is a prostitute you idiot,do'nt models and so called porn stars take money,or is that for their wonderful acting,a bigger ponce than you would be hard to find,then all the chums came out of the woodwork,get your facts right and when you can't do the usual,declare o/t.
Re: Real Scrubbers not the model type
Aha! The true colours of "James" suddenly surface - except for his still hiden identity. (he thinks)