Cum shots in 18 cert films

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Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by videokim »

I know adult cert.18 films are simulated or filmed like they are but after the guy has cum (not shown on film) can you show the girl covered in cum afterwards & still get a cert.18 for the film. The TV channels show girls after cum shots with their faces & boobs wet so does it work the same for films on DVD.

Kim xxx
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joe king
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by joe king »

Why not ask BBFC? They are very friendly. Cumshots (visible on face etc) at 18 in sexworks are usually cut. Sex education shows some but very short.

Maybe instead of cumshot you could show some nice fake blood splats allover the sexy girls body.

~~~~~joe king~~~~~
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by videokim »

Cheers Joe

Its something new to us & we would like to put a show/series on a Sat channel, is there a market for mature housewives on Sat like there is on the Internet. I will ask the BBFC for guidelines as this will be helpful.

Thanks Kim xxx
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one eyed jack
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by one eyed jack »

I can state quite catogorically that the BBFC would not approve of cum on face or any other part of the body at certificate 18.

I remember a couple years ago that the satellite companies were erring on the side of caution with regards to this as well. Further more they were getting funny about showing hard dick where as 18 cert was ok.

I swear sometimes it was down to what examiner you got.
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by videokim »

Thanks guys, i didn't think cum shots would be allowed but i thought it best to ask.

Kim xxx
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andy ide
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by andy ide »

I've been showing cum-shots on the girls for a number of years now in my soft for TVX but I frame it so you can't see the cock. I don't know about the other sat channels but I believe that there a number of other things that TVX allow me to do which would be a no-no for an 18 cert at the BBFC.
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by tag »

There is what looks to me to be a cum shot in 9 Songs (cert 18) at about 49 mins in - though not on face.

one eyed jack
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Re: Cum shots in 18 cert films

Post by one eyed jack »

Do they release dvd at 18 certificate as well Andy? Interestingly there is something at the BBFC that states if a programme has been released via broadcast this might be considered differently ie fast tracked through ( I presume).

Be nice to know if this loophole exists. There seems to be one rule for one and another with adult where mainstream is concerned because films like 9 Songs are considered "artistic" and adult, designed to "stimulate"