18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

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18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by Pat »

How can you make a 'teenage movie' if you can't have girls younger than 18 in your cast?
Can anybody tell me some tricks about how to fake an 18-yo girl into a younger aged one?

Thank you very much.

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by steve56 »

ithink some of the girls[not all] are about 22 ish,thus making them look lower than 18 im not fully sure but im just hazarding a guess.

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by MisterC »

Pat wrote:
> How can you make a 'teenage movie' if you can't have girls
> younger than 18 in your cast?

Use girls who are 18 or 19 :-)

> Can anybody tell me some tricks about how to fake an 18-yo
> girl into a younger aged one?

Generally a combination of a suitable model, styling and script. However note that the distribution of psuedo below legal age material in some places is illegal!

> Thank you very much.
Dr No

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by Dr No »

"How can you make a 'teenage movie' if you can't have girls younger than 18 in your cast?"

Er, well, hmmm, this is a tricky one. Let me give it some thought... 'Ding!' Hey, why not use girls who are 18 or 19?

"Can anybody tell me some tricks about how to fake an 18-yo girl into a younger aged one?"

Why would you want to do that? I trust you're not a perv?

Dr No.

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by Crimpo »

Quite apart from that - EightTEEN and NineTEEN - perhaps the answers in the words. Sometimes I despair...

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by Lizard »

Pat, you fucked up with that post, your just inviting negative answers to a stupid question.

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by Genie »

Despite the poorly worded question and dubious nature, at least here in the UK sex with a girl below the age of 18 is legal (although can't say I have done that since I was around that age myself!), ie 16 and up is legal.

Also teen looking girls are quite popular in many magazines, films and websites. While aol tries to outlaw it, the Seventeen website features cute looking but legal girls.

While personally I like to view pictures or films of girls of quite a wide range of ages, sometimes seeing a cute girl is nice. It is relatively harmless providing the girl is of legal age, also I have met girls of up to 24-25 who could easily pass for 16.

If you are not trying anything particularly dubious, ie wishing to portray girls of, say 16-17, as oppposed to underage, just beware of the warning in this thread that some territories (and like I said ISP's too!) don't like that.

Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by simon »

Tend to agree with some of the comments made by genie. However, the law on making video let say 15-16 is agaist the law why I here you cry?

firstly if lets say your home gets raided by the police and they take away all videos to check and find 16-17 years old on tape then you must have a good answer to the question.

secondly if you take any photos of the 16-17 you have now gone into child porn which I fucking hate and people should be hung

and lastly why in the hell do you want 16,17,18,, and 19 years old to film are you first twisted in mind and perverted or you just a plain old nut head. You tell me? As you may like to seek help try net doctor.

I hate these sort of messages don't you?

o/t Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by buttsie »

What a stupid statement

simon wrote:
> and lastly why in the hell do you want 16,17,18,, and 19
> years old to film are you first twisted in mind and perverted
> or you just a plain old nut head. You tell me? As you may
> like to seek help try net doctor.

So take it you don't find 16,17,18 or 19 year old girls attractive...I'd be avoiding page three in certain papers from now on if i were you

There are no exuses for abusing someone else who holds an opposite view to your own


Re: o/t Re: 18-yo teenagers? Help me, please

Post by steve56 »

thats right buttsie, were all different if we were all same the world would be in a mess.[i mean im different im not like evreybody else and im ok,well.....]