70 year old Grandma libby in hardcore b/g action

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Kimberly Cox
Posts: 109
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: 70 year old Grandma libby in hardcore b/g action

Post by Kimberly Cox »

I too have to say James is extremly proffesional and a lovely person.

I always keep an eye out for him putting a post on here - his scenes are very amusing (in a good way!).

Hope we get to work together again one day....

and dont forget say hi on msn xxxx

"i've been a bad, bad, girl - and it's all because of you!"
Darkow Hotmale
Posts: 385
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: 70 year old Grandma libby in hardcore b/g acti

Post by Darkow Hotmale »

Excellent work, James!

It's particularly gratifying to see Libby getting quality work. She's always been a fave and I remember when she was a frequent poster to the Forums, until some senseless abuse and nasty comments from (thankfully, long departed wankers) scared her away.

Once more, thanks James and WAY TO GO, LIBBY!!!!
Posts: 667
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: 70 year old Grandma libby in hardcore b/g action

Post by Wildfowler »

Thanks Guys

Glad to know my work is liked by so many

Kimerbly Cox! WOW, please someone book us for a shoot together quick!

James Wildfowler

James Wildfowler
