Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

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Katie Fox
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by Katie Fox »

well again, i must say (and this is why i took this i had retired from hardcore a while ago) it's a chatline with two attractive girls in underwear not a full on wank fest live porn streaming, again (unless i was dreaming or just stupid) last i was constantly on a call and all who phoned loved the show, there's SO much porn available so why do people on this forum whine and winge constantly about the channels being tame...oh yeah because they're FREE TO AIR and people on here want to see it all for jack s**t! The people complaining aren't people who phone in or subscribe anyway. There's enough hardcore on the tvx site (i've filmed enough of it!) but you have to pay, we don't work for free and i certainly won't sit wanking myself off while everyone's watching for free.

So balls to you
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by blackjaques »

TVX isn't "free to air". It's a subscription channel.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Last nights show was, being blunt, rubbish. It is encrypted after 11pm. Nobody who subscribes is going to complain about explict sex. So why the chuff did you and Avalon not even bother to take your knickers off?
You really are sticking two fingers up at the subscribers paying their hard earned cash.
If you continue to cow tow to Ofcon and their ilk we might as well shut down the SKY based channels and watch QVC.
As for the net, I have a perfectly good 37", state of the art Panasonic TV. I want to watch porn on that, not a poxy PC monitor. TVX is a TV station and should look after its bread and butter market, the subscriber.
Please show us some decent, erotic, explict action. We won't complain, honest!
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by BobB »

I was always told never to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
So let it go guys.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by Grawth »

Why is it whenever someone complains about these channels / shows it always ends up with one of the "stars" slagging off the punters?

Point 1 - No-one is complaining about the free show.

Point 2 - If there was consistency we wouldn't complain about the encrypted stuff either.

Point 3 - You get paid anyway. What difference does it make to you what strength is broadcast? Anyway, stronger shows equal more paying customers which means more money for the TV channel and the models.

Point 4 - Some people get off with talk, some like to watch. Why is it OK to cater for one group and not the other. Equally, why is it that anyone with slightly unusual fantasies can be catered for (being humiliated, having your testicles squashed by stilettos, foot fetishists, rubber) but your typical male "I want to watch women play with themselves" fantasy, or even basic sex, is not allowed.

Point 5 - I subscribe. I have subscribed on and off for years. I have subscribed to more than one channel. How do you think we know what goes on in the encrypted show if we don't actually subscribe in the first place.

Point 6 - Don't you even feel the slightest bit uncomfortable that a large number of subscribers do so on the basis of false promises from the adult channels.

Point 7 - If you can find me 1 person who is completely satisfied with the encrypted content of any channel, give me 5 minutes and I'll find 1000 who aren't (why else do you think they insist on 12 month contracts?)

Point 8 - What is the point of the encrypted show? Its barely stronger than the free show. It is not as strong as the content on the rest of the TVX channels, nor other channels. There are no phone numbers on display, so its not even a Call Show. Seriously, why not just have the FTA show, followed by the web show? Then you wouldn't have bunches of people getting hacked off at the pathetic excuses being trotted out as to why the show is so tame.

Point 9 - How do you think it became legal to sell hardcore magazines, videos and DVDs? Was it because we all sat back and waited for a nice kind government to recognise that lots of people like to see proper sex? No, it was because someone saw a market opportunity, took it to the courts and won. Why can't the TV channels act in the same way? Is it because they have a nice cosy deal going with Ofcom or is it because they don't want to be the first channel to show R18 strength material and gain all that extra income from people who would rush to join that channel?

Point 10 - I asked for your insight into whether there was any sense in the current regulations. Instead I got abuse, and you made incorrect asusmptions about me. Thanks for that.

Apologies for the rant, but I'm fed up with being called a freeloading bloodsucker when all I want is some consistency, some answers, and maybe just one channel to have the balls to actually stand up to Ofcom.