warning to models

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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warning to models

Post by amber »

Hi everyone,

As i'm sure you all know I don't normally come on here and post but thought I needed to on this occassion.
Basically I just want to let everyone out there know how I have been treated by a certain live TV channel I use to work on for a very long time as a very loyal and reliable mobel .
I'm sure you know the one I mean and if you dont its the one that you all hated not so long back for their lame encryption and board looking girls - have you all got me now?
Well they owe me ?650 for shifts worked,
Why wont they pay?
Cause they sacked me all because Lolly Badcock who i live with didn 't want to work there!
Confused? so am I.
I worked the shifts so why shouldn't I get paid my wages?
I dont control Lolly and where she works.
She had heard from many other models what the deal is up there ie;
No travel paid , no heating , only one 20 min break in a 5 hour shift and various other things.
We live in london it makes sence to work in london on a channel that treats you well.
I have tried to call the pay roll office of this channel and they just fob me off and tell me to call the manager who wont pick up my calls or answer my texts, also they have changed their story so many times now over the last month its driving me mad!
This to me is just un professional and silly,
I also know from other models that they have not been paid the right money owing to them either but to my knowlage I am the only girl to be sacked for there house mate not wanting to work there!!
I know there is nothing any of you guys reading can do but just thought I should make people aware of whats happened and can only hope that this will grab your attention and prevent anyone else ending up in this stupid situation where their money is not paid to them!!

Amber Leigh x

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Re: warning to models

Post by docco »

That fukking sucks!!

Amber you have always been my favourite and I cant believe youve been treated this way, Im happy to get a petition up and running on your behalf.

I certainly wont be watching that stupide channel again, I only hope you get back what your owed

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Re: warning to models

Post by Jonone »

It's the kind of exploitative labour relations and cavalier attitude to health and safety (ie costs) that one might expect to find in a Dickens novel, and to top it all you don't even get paid. This is shameful !

I hope there's a positive outcome for you further down the line.
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Re: warning to models

Post by Tony__T »

That sucks Amber. Can you not threaten them with legal action? Sounds like a obvious breach of contract.

You could always set up a rival though....I'm sure plenty of people would pay to see you and the lovely Lolly together, live and direct from your home!
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Re: Amber / work in London

Post by Crystalpink1983 »

hey hunny sorry to here about that as well not a bloody good month for you at all is it. well i am glad that you are back with us whoo hoo.



Crystal Pink
erotic images
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Re: Amber / work in London

Post by erotic images »

Technically they have entered into a contract with whether you have it in writing or not an oral contract is just as good in a law case, you agreed to work for them for X ammount they agreed to pay you end of story.

I would suggest you get a debt collection agency involved there are a few I use that send the legal 7 day letter out for free this somtimes works but if not whack a county court claim on them

The fact that they also "sacked" you for issues within your own personal life is also a case for unfair dissmisal so put there bollocks in the vice and screw em babe.

If you need adresses etc for free 7 day letters mail me on d.arnold97@ntlworld.com

Hope you get this sorted
paul jones
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Re: Amber / work in London

Post by paul jones »

Sue them - Small Claims Court.

SCC are usually quite helpful with papers etc. Just go round and tell them your problem.

I doubt that you have an unfair dismissal claim (They will claim you are self employed, but a court can decide that in fact you were employed, but this is one for a talk with a employment lawyer - most will have a free chat to assess chances, and employment tribunals won't cost you anything, but WILL cost the channel money). One key thing here is duration of service, and I think 2 years is the key.

Webmaster of [url]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/drupal7[/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if tittivation.com will be an outlet :-)
Robin uk
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Re: warning to models

Post by Robin uk »

Get on to Jonathan at alittlebitofeveything, He'll get your money for you.....



