Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by myson »

Arginald, please don't take it out on Kaz or any of the girls that work on these channels, it's not their fault. The fault lies between the channels themselves and Ofcom (or Ofcon as they're more commonly/acurately known).

My understanding of the legislation is as follows (and I stand to be corrected).

Ofcom has published "codes" that it expects/requires broadcasters to follow. These codes are made up by Ofcom itself and DOES NOT have the backing of any law, legislation or regulation.
However, the UK is a signatory to the European "Television Without Frontiers" Regulations and Ofcom's "codes" apparently contravene the European Regulations and so could be considered illegal. That, as far as I am aware, is still to be tested in a UK court of law. From what I understand, the "Television Without Frontiers" Regulation would (and do) allow "hardcore" adult programming (to UK R18) to be broadcast.

So, it's either that the UK adult channels are too scared to test Ofcom's codes in a court of law or they have a cosy little (unofficial) agreement with Ofcom that they won't exceed Ofcom's codes but just push the boundaries now and then to kid the punters into thinking that they are trying.

Of course, these channels do con the subscribers by claiming they'll be broadcasting "hardcore" or "xxx" after encryption when they know damn well they won't be.

Well, that's my two pen'orth.
I would reiterate what I said at the start of my post. Please, don't anyone here have a go or take it out on the girls, they're only doing what they're being paid to do. I'm sure all of them would be delighted to go a lot further than they do if the channels wanted/allowed them too.

Thank you, you can now return to your normal girl ogling and wanking !laugh!

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Fair point but nobody is pushing the barriers. British artists and writers have pushed the boundaries for years. The BBC and Channel 4 got massive stick for The Borgias and the red triangle films.
Unless the TV companies fight OFCON we will end up with more, not less censorship.
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by Grawth »

Thanks for the reply Kaz. As far as evidence goes, I would point to the monthly Ofcom bulletins detailing complaints received and Ofcom's decisions as to whether they are justified complaints, and what punishments to hand out.

Now, I have not read all of them, but having been an interested observer for many years I have seen a lot. I have also kept an eye on (and contributed to) a number of forums, including this and Melonfarmers. As far as I know, there has never been a report of the big channels being publicly told off, or fined by Ofcom, despite all the shows I previously listed.

It is well documented that Xplicit were fined ?50k for broadcasting 1 show that strayed into R18 (it had some toy penetration).

The only possible excuse Ofcom might have is that no-one complained about TVX or Playboy etc. However, that would not be true as I myself complained about Playboy (in the hope that Ofcom would fine them so they would stand up for themselves in court). My complain was dismissed because I had responded to the Ofcom consultation prior to that in favour of R18 being broadcast. I was told that, as a supporter of more explicit adult programming, my complaint could not be genuine, and if I complained again I would be classed as a "vexatious complainer" and action would be taken against me!

So in other words, just because I happen to believe in less restrictions on TV, I was not allowed to point out when channels broke existing rules. Ofcom clearly did not wish to rock the boat by investigating and punishing Playboy, and yet they were happy to fine Xplicit - relative minnows compared to Playboy.

Anyway, rambled off course a bit there. The point is that no PUBLIC action appears to have been taken against those with financial backing, but the smaller channels are fair game.

As to the scene between you and Candy - there is a file on the web site, it lasts just over 5 minutes, and cuts off before anything even remotely explicit is shown. Not sure why as a solo scene of you from the previous night IS there (although it was not shown live) and lasts about 20 minutes.
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by myson »

Fair do's Arginald.
I agree there too, no one is pushing the barriers.

Until subscribers to these channels start to cancel in droves (and telling the channels why) then they (the channels) won't upset the status quo by seeking a judicial review of Ofcoms codes.

The only way to get any of these channels to react (or any commercial organisation for that matter) is to hit them in their pocket.

The sixty four thousand dollar question is "will Joe Public do that?". Somehow I don't think so.


Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Last nights show consisted of one girl. Trade descriptions act? The show is advertised as Call Girls, plural, more than one etc.
It was so tame it was laughable. No close ups, no fleeting flashes of penetration and when you did see her vagina it was dry as a Camels pocket, so she was hardly turned on.
Please have sex on camera, that it was the show is about and treat your viewers with a modicum of respect.
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by Grawth »

Cobblers Mr Mole.

TVX screened hardcore Antonia Backstage Live. At what point did these "big scary lawyers" insist that the GUIDELINES (not laws) were followed?

TVX3 screened hardcore repeats of Antonia Backstage Live. Still no lawyers, and these repeats were screened about 2 weeks ago, so not even the excuse of different times, different circumstances.

There is almost nothing that cannot be screened on a webshow, certainly nothing that would be filmed in a TVX studio, so why the delay? Answer, because despite promoting it as a live web show, it was never intended to be a live web show, its just another way to draw the punters in.

Early days, yes, but surely a company as large and experienced as TVX ought to be able to put together this kind of show without these kind of cock ups.
Johnnyboy 22
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

Im in total agreement with whats being said here for God sake someone stand up to ofcom. If you lose u lose but at least u had the balls to take ofcom to the high court. As for the models such as Kazb she can only work to the guidelines set to her and i for one having seen a lot of her work would never point the finger at her. Its sad that in the world we live Britain is so far behind the world not only in this subject but others to. I could go on and give u a list but that would only depress you folks more. Well rant over.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazi

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Our censorship is totally hilarious. Playboy one, FTA, shows open legs every night, from 10 pm onwards. Movies 24 has soft core every night of the week, again beaver al fresco. Fashion TV, well before 6pm had a review of last years Rio carnival. Long lingering shots of naked breasts and the smallest underwear in history. The girls were stunning, nigh on naked and not a sniff from the regulators.
Plan B. Change TAC and TVX to Knitting World and Crochet Nerws and hey presto, bye bye censors
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Re: Call Girls tonite on TVX with Katie Fox & Kazie B

Post by crankshaft »

watching it tonight with karlie and starr...does it for me guys!